Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 05:40:59 -0800 From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <jkh@FreeBSD.ORG> To: Karl Denninger <> Cc: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <jkh@FreeBSD.ORG>, Jonathan Lemon <>, chat@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Re: Someone needs to re-develop "Softupdates" Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 09 Mar 1998 06:58:05 CST." <>
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> And yes, I'm going to save all of this nice exchange, including your > threats, and make sure that your corporate sponsors (in particular, Walnut > Creek, who funds no small part of *your* little game) is aware of the way Thanks, I really needed a good chuckle right about now and the above paragraph still has me smiling as I re-read it. Intentionally or not, you've given my morning a much needed boost, thanks! :-) > I understand that - it makes perfect sense to me. But then you can't expect > to get one THIN DIME until you do the things that those of us who WOULD VOTE > need to have *DONE*! And I thought I'd already made it more than plain that I *didn't* expect any funding from you, dangling strings or no, if that's what you wanted. Why you feel compelled to beat that dead horse and then loudly disclaim my right to ride it is beyond me. I don't *want* to ride your horsie, OK Karl? You can have this particular deceased equine all to yourself! > Its simple - if I can't put strings on the funds, then the funds don't go > out until the requirements are *MET*. That is, the funding is post-hoc Yes, yes, you're not saying anything which you haven't already said before and you were already given the reply that if you wanted such a degree of control then you should simply ** fund your own development efforts **, _exactly_ as a number of other commercial interests are doing now. What part of that concept is proving so very difficult for you to understand? > In this particular case, I hope Mr. Dyson *DOES* use it to go to Tahiti > and suck down some Mai Tais. Good, me too. We're finding ourselves in so much agreement here, in fact, that one of us is going to come down with an unbearable attack of the warm fuzzies soon if we don't knock it off. > Between him and Mr. Gibbs there is hope for FreeBSD yet. You, unfortunately, > as the putative "head" of CORE, do more to piss people like me off than > anything else. Karl, Karl, Karl.. I think even Mother Theresa could piss you off (and vice-versa) and she's dead. Such accusations mean nothing, like accusing the government of inefficiency or the military of having a penchant for violence. :-) > As the putative "head" of the core team, I respect your opinion and request > (even though I believe it is entirely without merit), and therefore will You're in dreamland, Karl. First off, I resigned as the "head" of the core team over a year ago specifically in reaction to your abusiveness at the time (to stand and take crap from Karl as President was a worse alternative than to simply resign the position and regain my right to respond to such, erm, people more as a "private citizen") and I was hardly the only core member thus abused - you've been a "problem child" almost from day one (and no, I don't think that BSDI would be willing to take you back either, damn them!). Second, I don't see that any "request" was made for you to do anything in my original message. Yes, I flamed you, and considering how little regard I have for you that should hardly come as any sort of surprise to anyone, but I still don't see where I said in any part of the message that "Karl should stop being useful to the project now." Either learn to separate me and the project or learn to live with the fact that you'll always be viewing it through a self-imposed myopia. There are a lot more people than I working on this project now and I don't hold any position close to that of president (check your org charts - the public relations guy and release engineer don't usually sit in or near the CEO's office). > SOFTUPDATES, besides not working (as is being constantly demonstrated) has a > license agreement which doesn't actually represent the will of the author. It has a license agreement which means what the license agreement says, regardless of how you may have [mis]interpreted the "will of the author" (and if that ain't nebulous, I don't know what is). Read it again, abide by what it says there and I doubt that Kirk will have anything to say about it. > While Kirk has no obligation to actually say what he means, I find it > incredible that you would integrate support for the software into FreeBSD > under those conditions. It is precisely this kind of poor judgement that > leads me to question the entire process by which the CORE team operates. Uh huh.. I'll just let this paragraph stand on its own, it says more than I ever could about the nature of the man I'm dealing with here. Jordan To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-chat" in the body of the message
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