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Date:      Thu, 12 Feb 2009 09:18:59 +0100
From:      Olivier SMEDTS <>
To:        Lars Eighner <>
Cc:        freebsd-ports <>
Subject:   Re: Summary of xorg -> 7.4 with nvidia driver without hal
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <20090212015750.N14912@qroenaqrq.6qbyyneqvnyhc.pbz>
References:  <20090212015750.N14912@qroenaqrq.6qbyyneqvnyhc.pbz>

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2009/2/12 Lars Eighner <>:
> Summary of experiences upgrading xorg -> 7.4 with nvidia-driver without hal
> I have had many misadventures in upgrading to xorg 7.4 with nvidia-driver.
> This is a summary of what worked.  Most of these things are not original
> but have been derived of things posted here and to the ports mailing list.
> I have however tried to eliminate some of the stuff that seemed unnecessary
> or did not help.
> This assumes you have been more or less sucessfully been running xorg 7.3
> with the nvidia driver with or without hal and want to upgrade to xorg 7.4
> without hal.
> 1.  If you have previously built xorg with hal, beware of manually changing
> /var/db/ports/xorg/options manually unless you know what you are doing.  In
> general the *value* of config flags is never tested, but only the existence
> of the flags.  So changing WITH_HAL=true is *not* likely to work.  Instead,
> this flag needs to be replaced by WITHOUT_HAL=true (that is *not* by
> WITH_HAL=false).
> 2.  If you did not rebuild libxcb and all its dependancies as advised in
> UPGRADING 20090123 do not do so until you are ready to upgrade xorg.  This
> is merely a time-saving measure.  The dependencies of libxcb include pretty
> much everything x-related, so there is no point in doing it with the old
> ports tree, if you are immediately going to build xorg with a newer ports
> tree.
> 3.  Upgrade xorg.  If you do this immediately after 2, there won't be much
> to it.
> 4. Rebuild nvidia-driver.
> 5. Now the problem is, the nvidia-driver version of is broken.
> When nvidia-driver built, it should have preserved the xorg lib as
> XXX-libwfb... If you have done things in exactly this order, so you know the
> backed up xorg lib is the right one, you can simply change the symbolic link
> which is to the backed up (XXX-etc.) xorg lib.  However, if you
> have any doubts about the backed up lib being the right one do this:
>           a.  force reinstallation of xorg-server, and
>           b.  replace in /usr/local/xorg/modules with a symbolic
> link to (which is nvidia verson of this lib).
> 6. Add the line
>        option  "AllowEmptyInput" "off"
> to the server layout section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  The whole section
> should then look something like:
> Section "ServerLayout"
>    Identifier     "Layout0"
>    Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
>    InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
>    InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
>    option      "AllowEmptyInput" "off"
> EndSection
> Some reports suggest that this really belongs in a ServerFlags section,
> but this seems to work.
> 7. Verify that
> moused_enable="YES"
> is effective in /etc/rd.conf.  Remember that rd.conf cascades on itself and
> the default rd.conf, so that the *last* option entered wins.  You can use
> the configure option of /usr/sbin/sysinstall to be sure that moused works
> and that a winning entry is in /etc/rd.conf, but just checking and editing
> manually will also work.

Good guide. Just a little note :
"rd.conf" must be "rc.conf".

> 8. reboot.
> Reports are that you cannot load the new nvidia kernel module manually
> with kldload (although this may have worked in the past).
> 9.  If the keyboard in X still does not work, you may have to force
> reinstallation of xf86-input-keyboard.  This worked for me after I had done
> everything else and the mouse was working.
> --
> Lars Eighner
> 8800 N IH35 APT 1191 AUSTIN TX 78753-5266
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