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Date:      Thu, 02 Dec 1999 01:06:32 -0600
From:      Chris Csanady <>
Subject:   Recent fxtv DGA troubles..
Message-ID:  <>

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I rebuilt today for the first time in ages, and while many things
seem to be better, fxtv DGA does not appear to work anymore.  My
machine is slow enough that this is painful..  oh well.

Anyways, included is the debugging outpub from fxtv.  The dgafbtest.c
runs fine, but the tv-dgatest.c program does wacky things now.  Only
one of the interlaced fields of the test bars is shown.

Any ideas?  Can anyone recommend a recent date of current where you
have had success?


friley-160-235# fxtv -debug startup
Fxtv v1.02

Can't connect to socket /var/run/MouseRemote: No such file or directory
    bktr0: <BrookTree 848A> irq 18 at device 17.0 on pci0
    iicbb0: <I2C generic bit-banging driver> on bti2c0
    bktr0: Hauppauge Model 56131 E   
    Hauppauge WinCast/TV, Philips FR1236 NTSC FM tuner, dbx stereo.

    kern.version: FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #1: Wed Dec  1 19:23:26 CST 1999
    hw.bt848.card: -1
    hw.bt848.tuner: -1
    hw.bt848.reverse_mute: -1
    hw.bt848.format: -1

TUNER SIGNATURE (0x01 - 0xff):
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 08 02 00 00 00

    0xa0, 0xb6, 0xc2

   Read 256 EEPROM bytes (0x00 - 0xff)
    84 12 00 00 05 40 09 09 08 12 01 43 db 00 00 94
    07 00 00 00 01 84 0a 00 01 01 20 77 00 40 63 b7
    08 00 77 02 01 03 03 43 12 12 79 55 00 00 00 00
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    84 12 00 00 05 40 09 09 08 12 01 43 db 00 00 94
    07 00 00 00 01 84 0a 00 01 01 20 77 00 40 63 b7
    08 00 77 02 01 03 03 43 12 12 79 55 00 00 00 00
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
    ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff

     1 nabcst
     2 cableirc
     3 cablehrc
     4 weurope
     5 jpnbcst
     6 jpncable
     7 xussr
     8 australia

Supported RGB Capture Pixel Formats:
   bpp  Bpp  RGB Masks                     Swap
   ---  ---  ----------------------------  ----
    15   2   00007c00, 000003e0, 0000001f  NB  
    16   2   0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f  NB  
    24   3   00ff0000, 0000ff00, 000000ff   B  
    24   4   00ff0000, 0000ff00, 000000ff  NBWb

Supported YUV Capture Pixel Formats:
   YUVSize  HSamp  VSamp  Pack    CompOrder  T->B  L->R  YTrans
   -------  -----  -----  ------  ---------  ----  ----  ------
    8,8,8   1,2,2  1,1,1  PLANAR  YUV         Y     Y      N
    8,8,8   1,2,2  1,1,1  PACKED  YUYV        Y     Y      N
    8,8,8   1,2,2  1,2,2  PLANAR  YUV         Y     Y      N

XSERVER: 'The XFree86 Project, Inc' v3915,  Protocol Verson 11.0
         Screen Res = 1600x1200, DefDepth = 16; NumScreens = 1
         Bitmap Unit/BitOrder/Pad = 32/LSBFirst/32, Image ByteOrder = LSBFirst

XF86DGAQueryVersion() succeeded - vers = 2.00
   BaseAddr = 0xff000000, Pitch = 1600, BankSize/RamSize = 4194304/4194304

Rating Available Visuals:
   Rating  Class        bpp  Bpp  R,G,B Masks                   Swap  DirectVid
   ------  -----------  ---  ---  ----------------------------  ----  ---------
     5     TrueColor     16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      Yes
     4     TrueColor     16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     4     TrueColor     16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     4     TrueColor     16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     4     TrueColor     16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     4     TrueColor     16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     4     TrueColor     16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     0     DirectColor   16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     0     DirectColor   16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     0     DirectColor   16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     0     DirectColor   16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     0     DirectColor   16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     0     DirectColor   16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
     0     DirectColor   16  2,2  0000f800, 000007e0, 0000001f   --      No 
Chosen Visual is 16-bpp TrueColor

XF86VidModeQueryVersion() succeeded - version = 2.00
TVSCREENCapConfigure() failed: Direct video region outside bounds of display

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