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Date:      Thu, 12 Apr 2001 17:57:32 -0500
From:      David Campbell <>
Subject:   After install, "Non-System disk or disk error"
Message-ID:  <>

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I am installing FreeBSD 4.2 on a Compaq Workstation AP400 with 256MB
RAM, 4GB hard drive. The install appears to go flawlessly, regardless of
how many partitions I create. On reboot, I get "Non-System disk or disk

I have tried installing with the boot manager, and without. I am setting
the partition as bootable (and even trying it not set). When I boot to
the CD and start the install again, it sees the partitions, and the 3
slices (/, swap, /usr).  It does not see the labels. If I intercept the
boot process to get a command prompt, and use lsdev, it show:
disk @ 0x10918
   disk0: BIOS drive A:
      disk0a: FFS 2MB (0-5760)
      disk0c: FFS 2MB (0-5760)
   disk1: BIOS drive B:

Am I missing something incredibly basic? This machine worked fine for a
week while I played around with a couple of different installs. Starting
with the attempt yesterday, to start clean one last time, I have been
hitting brick walls.


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