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Date:      Tue, 22 May 2001 10:17:21 -0700
From:      David Johnson <>
To:        ML Duke <>
Cc:        freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Introductory Book on FreeBSD
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ML Duke wrote:

> So he has a look, says basically "not bad for a draft," and then
> says you did it with $mswurd!??!
> What kind of statement is _that_?

Hee, hee. I can offer two comebacks, but not being the author, I can't
say for sure.

1) If you know MSWurd very well, then it is going to be easier to write
the book in MSWurd than in StarOffice or Applix. You will need to format
the final document, and it's easier and faster to format in a WYSIWYG
word processor than to use DocBook, TeX or groff macros.

2) Publishers accept submissions in MSWord only, for the most part. A
publisher once wanted to contract with me to proofread and technical
edit a Linux programming book. But the galley was in MSWord and I had
submit all corrections and edits as inplace MSWord comments. Since the
job wouldn't pay enough to cover a harddrive+Windows+MSOffice, I had to
turn it down.


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