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Date:      Mon, 30 Jul 2001 02:22:06 +0200
From:      "Jose M. Alcaide" <>
Cc:        scsi@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: DLT 4000 throughput and cstream
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <Pine.BSF.4.21.0107281231100.13594-100000@beppo>

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Matthew Jacob wrote:
> [ -hardware trimmed- Only one list is needed ]

Hum. I sent the message to -hardware _only_...

> > >   KB/t tps  MB/s
> > >  60.59  22  1.31
> > >  60.59  22  1.31
> > >  61.05  22  1.31
> > >  60.62  22  1.32
> > >  60.59  22  1.31
> > >  ...
> This is about half the speed you should expect.
> Testing with dump, w/wo cstream, is not helpful. You need to test with a
> non-zero data generator:

You are right. I also tested "cstream -i - ..." and "dd if=/dev/urandom ...",
with similar result. Anyway, I am interested in the dump case, since
it is the actual application. BTW, I also tested dumping the same
filesystem to a file on another disk, achieving 7-8 MB/s while
dump was in pass IV.

> > tape_pattern_tester
> tape_pattern_tester: [ -v ] [ -b blksize ] [ -r blocks per file ] [ -n
> number-of-files ] -f no-rewinding-tape-drive
> > tape_pattern_tester -v -b 32k -r 1000 -n 5 -f /dev/nsa0
> .......Rewind Tape
> ........Write Pass
> EOT at File 4 Record 1000 Offset 32768 (163840000 total bytes written)
> Elapsed Seconds: 60; Data Rate: 2.6MB/s
> .......Rewind Tape
> .........Read Pass
> EOT at File 5 Record 0 Offset 0 (163840000 total bytes read)
> Elapsed Seconds: 72: Data Rate: 2.16667MB/s

Hum... 32KB block size... is that size appropriate for DLTs? Some
people recommend big block sizes, but I think they are confusing
the device block size with the size of an intermediate buffer
between the input and output streams. DLTs seem to accept very
big block sizes; however, I cannot see any improvements for block
sizes bigger than 32-64KB, provided there is a big intermediate
buffer, of course.

Hey, that "tape_pattern_tester" utility seems interesting. Where could I
find it? Did you write it?

-- JMA
****** Jose M. Alcaide  //  // ******
** "Beware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers" --  Leonard Brandwein **

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