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Date:      Tue, 04 Sep 2012 22:39:40 +0200
From:      Dimitry Andric <>
Subject:   Compiler performance tests on FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT
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Hi all,

I recently performed a series of compiler performance tests on FreeBSD
10.0-CURRENT, particularly comparing gcc 4.2.1 and gcc 4.7.1 against
clang 3.1 and clang 3.2.

The attached text file[1] contains more information about the tests,
some semi-cooked performance data, and my conclusions.  Any errors and
omissions are also my fault, so if you notice them, please let me know.

The executive summary: clang compiles mostly faster than gcc (sometimes
much faster), and uses significantly less memory.

Finally, please note these tests were purely about compilation speed,
not about the performance of the resulting executables.  This still
needs to be tested.


[1]: Also available at:

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The compilers tested were:
- gcc 4.2.1, the system compiler in FreeBSD, which is compiled by gcc 4.2.1.
- gcc 4.7.1, from the official release, compiled via a three-stage
  bootstrap, so the final compiler has been compiled by gcc 4.7.1.
- clang 3.1 (branches/release_31 156863), which is the default version of clang
  in FreeBSD 10-CURRENT before r239462.  The used executable was compiled by a
  previous copy of itself.
- clang 3.2 (trunk 162107), which is the default version of clang in FreeBSD
  10.0-CURRENT, after r239462.  The used executable was compiled by a previous
  copy of itself.

All tests were run on, which is a Dell 2950, 1.86GHz
Core2 Xeon, 2x4 Core, 16G RAM.  It runs FreeBSD/amd64 10.0-CURRENT #0 r231914:
Sun Feb 19 17:24:37 UTC 2012.

Each build was repeated 6 times, after cleaning out the object directories, and
syncing.  Each build was timed using the system time(1) command, using the -l
argument to obtain rusage information.

The programs tested by compilation were:
- A large C++ program: clang 3.2, as it occurs in the FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT
  source tree as of r239532.
- A medium-large C program: gcc 4.2.1, as it occurs in the FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT
  source tree as of r239532.
- A large C++ library: boost 1.50.0, the officially released version from

Building a large C++ program (clang 3.2) single-threaded

Using clang 3.1:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6       2283.69       2288.46       2285.74      2285.505     1.6470064
user      6        2145.2        2147.2       2146.18     2146.0567    0.68266146
sys       6         128.3        132.08        130.65     130.54833      1.256653
maxrss    6        179264        179264        179264        179264             0
ixrss     6         21407         21436         21420     21419.833     9.6211572
idrss     6          3628          3632          3630     3629.8333     1.3291601
isrss     6           252           252           252           252             0
minflt    6      12485556      12485556      12485556      12485556             0
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0             0             0             0             0
oublock   6          2058          2106          2103     2081.3333     25.216397
msgsnd    6            18            18            18            18             0
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6          1878          1878          1878          1878             0
nvcsw     6         16288         16357         16333     16320.667     29.615311
nivcsw    6       2071535       3998751       3057756       2966314     635381.66

Using clang 3.2:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6       2358.61       2362.84       2362.67       2361.22     1.7831321
user      6       2215.33       2221.13       2218.72       2218.57     2.0094278
sys       6        130.78        134.63        133.41     132.99833     1.4702301
maxrss    6        177796        177796        177796        177796             0
ixrss     6         21388         21413         21408     21400.833     11.052903
idrss     6          3702          3707          3706     3704.6667     2.2509257
isrss     6           253           253           253           253             0
minflt    6      12583827      12583827      12583827      12583827             0
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0             0             0             0             0
oublock   6          2036          2074          2071     2054.8333     19.589963
msgsnd    6            18            26            26     23.333333     4.1311822
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6          1878          1878          1878          1878             0
nvcsw     6         16266         16391         16354     16327.667     53.909801
nivcsw    6       2118900       3891231       3534528     3168715.7     673236.29

Using gcc 4.2.1:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6       4238.49       4241.76       4240.78     4240.1867     1.2375244
user      6       3903.48        3908.6       3907.58     3906.5583     1.8932661
sys       6        358.38        361.43        359.94     359.94667     1.1494984
maxrss    6        568592        568592        568592        568592             0
ixrss     6          6348          6353          6350     6350.3333     1.6329932
idrss     6          3495          3498          3497        3496.5     1.0488088
isrss     6           146           146           146           146             0
minflt    6      47304156      47304184      47304175      47304172     10.545141
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0             0             0             0             0
oublock   6          2620          2754          2732     2683.6667     68.730391
msgsnd    6             0             0             0             0             0
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6          1878          1878          1878          1878             0
nvcsw     6         67561         67763         67674         67648     75.198404
nivcsw    6       3994087       5821442       4846679     4810028.2     597366.52

Using gcc 4.7.1:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6       3818.41       3974.54       3820.49     3846.7417     62.715466
user      6       3506.86       3591.97       3509.96     3522.8283     33.896088
sys       6        333.58        364.34        338.93     340.70833     11.839839
maxrss    6        480724        480736        480724     480727.33      5.316639
ixrss     6         12173         12198         12194     12188.333     9.4375138
idrss     6          1520          1523          1522     1521.8333     1.1690452
isrss     6           134           134           134           134             0
minflt    6      38406568      38406673      38406592      38406599     38.768544
majflt    6             0            90             0     20.333333      36.45088
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0          4775             0     1233.3333     2028.0327
oublock   6          2266          2301          2286     2284.3333     13.662601
msgsnd    6            30            31            30     30.166667    0.40824829
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6          1878          1878          1878          1878             0
nvcsw     6         59792         67936         60369     61859.833     3186.3204
nivcsw    6       2867702       4546665       4361653     3753550.8     769382.51

For building this specific large C++ program, gcc 4.2.1 is ~86% slower than
clang 3.1 in real time, ~82% slower in user time, and ~176% slower in system
time.  The maximum resident set size during building is ~217% larger, and it
causes ~279% more page reclaims.

Though gcc 4.7.1 is faster than its older version, it is still ~68% slower than
clang 3.1 in real time, ~64% slower in user time, and ~161% slower in system
time.  The maximum resident set size during building is ~220% larger, and it
causes ~208% more page reclaims.

Finally, clang 3.2 is ~3% slower than clang 3.1 in both real time and user time,
and ~2% slower in system time.  The maximum resident set size and the number of
page reclaims during building are approximately equal.

Clang 3.1 is clearly the fastest compiler for building this specific large C++
program, with clang 3.2 trailing closely behind.  Both are significantly faster,
and use much less memory than either version of gcc.

Building a medium-large C program (gcc 4.2.1) single-threaded

Using clang 3.1:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6        303.31        304.06        303.65     303.67167    0.24991332
user      6        275.42        277.09        275.99     276.11167    0.57766484
sys       6         24.92         26.15          25.6     25.656667    0.44643775
maxrss    6        177876        177876        177876        177876             0
ixrss     6         20529         20559         20544     20542.833      12.38413
idrss     6          3618          3623          3621     3620.3333     1.9663842
isrss     6           247           247           247           247             0
minflt    6       2214250       2214250       2214250       2214250             0
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0             0             0             0             0
oublock   6           677           677           677           677             0
msgsnd    6            18            18            18            18             0
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6           883           883           883           883             0
nvcsw     6          5705          5837          5819     5793.6667      49.33018
nivcsw    6        205418        467152        449398     371699.67     114414.58

Using clang 3.2:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6        330.22        331.23        330.95     330.69833    0.43687145
user      6        301.29        302.59         302.3     302.05667    0.49649438
sys       6         26.12         27.19         27.06        26.875    0.39747956
maxrss    6        186260        186260        186260        186260             0
ixrss     6         20639         20674         20660     20656.833     14.469508
idrss     6          3699          3705          3703     3702.3333     2.1602469
isrss     6           316           319           318     317.33333     1.2110601
minflt    6       2290933       2290934       2290934     2290933.7    0.51614557
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0             0             0             0             0
oublock   6           668           669           668     668.16667    0.40824829
msgsnd    6            18            18            18            18             0
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6           883           883           883           883             0
nvcsw     6          5783          5822          5801          5799     17.944358
nivcsw    6        111115        520961        396082     316725.33     164041.32

Using gcc 4.2.1:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6        422.68        425.44        423.23     423.47333     1.0273396
user      6         389.1        391.67        390.58     390.41333    0.82734918
sys       6         36.85          39.2         38.65         38.23    0.83840324
maxrss    6        392560        392560        392560        392560             0
ixrss     6          5529          5542          5534        5534.5     6.0580525
idrss     6          3915          3924          3919          3919     4.1472883
isrss     6           142           142           142           142             0
minflt    6       4055461       4055464       4055463     4055462.7       1.21063
majflt    6             0             4             0    0.66666667     1.6329932
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0           730             0     121.66667     298.02125
oublock   6           659           693           662           667     12.884099
msgsnd    6             0             0             0             0             0
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6           883           883           883           883             0
nvcsw     6         15645         16454         15874         15888     298.36019
nivcsw    6        121293        661776        414611     363556.83     207101.28

Using gcc 4.7.1:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6        461.58        462.55        462.01     461.98333    0.40287302
user      6        425.22        426.36        425.92       425.835    0.43825791
sys       6         40.83         42.94         41.99        41.925    0.71034499
maxrss    6        445624        445624        445624        445624             0
ixrss     6         10781         10816         10801       10797.5     12.405644
idrss     6          2427          2433          2430          2430     2.1908902
isrss     6           178           178           178           178             0
minflt    6       3883735       3883740       3883739       3883738     2.3664319
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0            14             0     2.3333333     5.7154761
oublock   6           677           681           679           679     1.4142136
msgsnd    6            20            20            20            20             0
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6           883           883           883           883             0
nvcsw     6         16411         16660         16532     16542.333     98.544744
nivcsw    6        284414        901533        384379     449845.33     241447.41

For building this specific medium C program, gcc 4.2.1 is ~40% slower than clang
3.1 in real time, ~41% slower in user time, and ~49% slower in system time.  The
maximum resident set size during building is ~121% larger, and it causes ~83%
more page reclaims.

For C, gcc 4.7.1 is even slower than its older version; it is ~52% slower than
clang 3.1 in real time, ~54% slower in user time, and ~63% slower in system
time.  The maximum resident set size during building is ~151% larger, and it
causes ~75% more page reclaims.

Finally, clang 3.2 is ~9% slower than clang 3.1 in both real time and user
time, and ~5% slower in system time.  The maximum resident set size during 
building is ~5% larger, and it causes ~4% more page reclaims.

Clang 3.1 is clearly the fastest compiler for building this specific medium-
large C program, with clang 3.2 somewhat behind.  Both are significantly faster,
and use much less memory than either version of gcc.

Building a large C++ library (boost 1.50.0) single-threaded

Using clang 3.1:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6       1056.69       1060.49       1059.09     1058.6783     1.5028695
user      6        975.49        978.88        978.53        977.55     1.4653464
sys       6         73.75         76.42         74.87         74.95     1.0609618
maxrss    6        212324        216712        213668     214260.67     1774.6309
ixrss     6         22472         22549         22525       22514.5     31.232995
idrss     6          3793          3806          3802     3800.1667      5.492419
isrss     6           276           277           277         276.5    0.54772256
minflt    6       9543701       9543702       9543701     9543701.3    0.51234754
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0             0             0             0             0
oublock   6          1453          1461          1457     1455.8333     3.3714487
msgsnd    6           115           115           115           115             0
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6             0             0             0             0             0
nvcsw     6          7352          7834          7576     7567.1667     167.70023
nivcsw    6         27478       2350999       1699745     1337037.8       1040439

Using clang 3.2:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6       1075.33       1077.94       1076.39     1076.4267    0.93958856
user      6        995.14        997.61        995.43     995.88833     0.9489661
sys       6         72.34         74.67         74.23     73.843333    0.81563881
maxrss    6        208552        211148        210436        209936     921.08458
ixrss     6         22437         22484         22458         22459     19.768662
idrss     6          3869          3878          3873     3873.3333     3.8815804
isrss     6           275           275           275           275             0
minflt    6       9351477       9351478       9351478     9351477.5    0.54772256
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0             0             0             0             0
oublock   6          1448          1454          1449     1449.6667     2.4221203
msgsnd    6           115           115           115           115             0
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6             0             0             0             0             0
nvcsw     6         10481         12934         11049     11105.333      936.9249
nivcsw    6        975292       2383586       1633650     1615797.3     605542.76

Using gcc 4.2.1:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6       1037.86       1047.78       1039.71       1040.21     3.8054592
user      6        938.74        944.49        941.52     941.55667     1.8382999
sys       6         86.37         92.84         89.89         89.57     2.1105639
maxrss    6        560256        560316        560272        560274     21.428952
ixrss     6          6435          6453          6441          6443     7.2663608
idrss     6          3563          3573          3566        3567.5     4.0373258
isrss     6           136           136           136           136             0
minflt    6      12360490      12360492      12360491      12360491    0.63245553
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0          4283             0     713.83333     1748.5274
oublock   6          2648          2656          2655     2653.3333     2.9439203
msgsnd    6            44            51            51     49.833333      2.857738
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6             0             0             0             0             0
nvcsw     6          7897         12281          8004          8696     1757.1741
nivcsw    6         19915       1989580        897003      957452.5     764999.83

Using gcc 4.7.1:
          N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
real      6       1038.13       1041.29       1040.98       1039.92     1.3837774
user      6        937.73        943.59        941.35     941.14167     2.0323919
sys       6         89.19          95.1         91.61     91.588333     2.0745739
maxrss    6        361268        361268        361268        361268             0
ixrss     6         12431         12474         12469     12457.333     17.385818
idrss     6          1547          1552          1551     1549.8333     1.9407902
isrss     6           129           129           129           129             0
minflt    6      10455489      10455489      10455489      10455489             0
majflt    6             0             0             0             0             0
nswap     6             0             0             0             0             0
inblock   6             0           162             0            27     66.136223
oublock   6          2537          2540          2539        2538.5     1.0488088
msgsnd    6           113           113           113           113             0
msgrcv    6             0             0             0             0             0
nsignals  6             0             0             0             0             0
nvcsw     6          7778          7975          7880     7874.1667     78.036957
nivcsw    6         27055       2302383       2187401     1478808.3     946760.86

For building this specific large C++ library, clang 3.1 is ~2% slower than gcc
4.2.1 in real time, ~4% slower in user time, but ~20% faster in system time.
The maximum resident set size during building is ~162% smaller, and it causes
~30% less page reclaims.

As before, clang 3.2 is slower than its older version; it is ~3% slower than
gcc 4.2.1 in real time, ~6% slower in user time, but ~21% faster in system
time.  The maximum resident set size is ~167% smaller, and it causes ~32% less
page reclaims.

Finally, gcc 4.7.1 is equally fast as gcc 4.2.1 in real time and user time, and
~2% slower in system time.  The maximum resident set size is ~36% smaller, and
it causes ~15% less page reclaims.

Both gcc 4.2.1 and 4.7.1 are the fastest compilers for building this specific
large C++ library, but both versions of clang are not far behind.  Both versions
of gcc use quite a bit more memory than either version of clang.

Copyright (c) 2012 Dimitry Andric <>

Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire text are permitted, provided
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