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Date:      Sat, 18 Jun 2022 23:57:14 +1000
From:      Andy Farkas <>
Subject:   git pull not replicating?
Message-ID:  <>

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If I do a 'git pull' in /usr/ports usually it updates a few files
and I think 'good, my ports tree is in sync with upstream'. And if
I do it again shortly afterwards, I get:

root:/usr/ports # git pull
Already up to date.
root:/usr/ports #

Which is also good.

But if I do this:

root:/usr/ports # mv ftp /root/
root:/usr/ports # git pull
Already up to date.
root:/usr/ports #

..which is obviously false.

Now my belief that I am in sync with upstream is shattered.

Is there a git incantation that will make sure my tree is fully
in sync with upstream?




root:/usr/ports # cat .git/config
         repositoryformatversion = 0
         filemode = true
         bare = false
         logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
         url =
         fetch = +refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main
[branch "main"]
         remote = origin
         merge = refs/heads/main

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