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Date:      Mon, 1 May 2006 08:58:59 +0200
From:      "Rolf Sommerhalder" <>
Subject:   NanoBSD on PC Engines WRAP does not boot
Message-ID:  <>

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Hello list,

after successfully building and booting latest NanoBSD by phk (FreeBSD
RELENG6_0) on a GENERIC PC, I so far failed to repeat it for PC
Engines WRAP plattform.

It appears that the boot loading process get stuck already in boot0sio
which loops infinitely while wating for keyboard/console input for the
partition/slice to boot, and outputing a BELL character to the serial
console after every timeout:

PC Engines WRAP.1C/1D/1E v1.11
640 KB Base Memory
130048 KB Extended Memory

01F0 Master 848A SanDisk SDCFB-128
Phys C/H/S 980/8/32 Log C/H/S 124/32/63

1   FreeBSD
2   FreeBSD

Even after looking at the boot0sio loader's source
I could not figure out why it loops, although it appears that it
identifies the two partitions with the two images correctly. The
console does not accept any input, e.g. neither "1", "2" nor "Enter"
to boot default. Anyway, after timing out, it should boot the default
"1" partition.

Obvisouly boot0sio correctly detects the two bootable partioions, but
then fails to proceed boot loading.

I tried several combinations of Flash disk paramters, although I use a
128 MB Sandisk which is natively supported by NanoBSD. Also tried with
a 64 MB Hyperstone/Biwin, same result. Chaning the WRAP BIOS's
parameter from LBA addressing to CHS does not help.

Further, the image from phk's site for Soekris run on a WRAP
exhibits the same problem when written to a Hyperstone/Biwin 64MB
flash. Which hints that the problem is not related to my build

Did anyone succeed in booting NanoBSD on WRAP, and if so, would not
mind to make available the configuration files?
(It appears that Florent Thoumie succeeded: )


On a sideline, I noted that the script should probably not
use /boot/boot0sio  but /boot/boot0  if generating an image for
GENERIC PCs which have keyboard and video, not just a serial console

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