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Date:      Sun, 1 Jan 2023 01:47:15 +0100
From:      Mario Marietto <>
To:        Tomek CEDRO <>
Cc:, Ronald Klop <>, ports <>
Subject:   =?UTF-8?Q?Re=3A_The_installation_of_=E2=80=9CStable_Diffusion_web_UI?= =?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=9D_natively_on_FreeBSD_fails_because_can=E2=80=99t_install_torch_?= =?UTF-8?Q?and_torchvision?=
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In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

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Do you remember me,Tomek ? I'm the newbie that, some time ago, tried to
clone and install the =E2=80=9C*Stable Diffusion web UI*=E2=80=9D on FreeBS=
D,failing. Today
I tried a different experiment. I tried to install the *AUTOMATIC1111 webui
for stable diffusion* within my */compat/ubuntu* "distro" using the FreeBSD
linuxulator. You can find the whole thread here :

Unfortunately it failed,but I feel that it could work making some
modifications within the file "". Do you want to give it a look ?
Maye it can be done with a minimum effort. Very thanks.

Il giorno mar 22 nov 2022 alle ore 02:00 Mario Marietto <> ha scritto:

> ---> Most of us are in this position :-)
> From you I've learnt that everytime you end a sentence with the " :-) "
> character,you are ironic. So,I should not take you seriously :-)
> So I'm sure that you earn more money than me with your job :P
> ---> If you do not want to put your time and effort to do the job on your
> own, also you state there is no reason to do the job for you, then who do
> you expect to do the job ?
> This is the kind of argument that makes me hurt. Even because you seem to
> have the ability to skip / avoid the argument that you don't like or that
> you don't want to reply to. I tell this because your next argument after
> that ignores it. Maybe you are confused and you don't know what's the
> difference between "want to do and be able to do". I can't do that kind
> of task. You have provided me with an estimate of how much effort and
> skills are needed. So,please don't overestimate my abilities. I don't do
> this to you. I've asked if you are able to analyze a mindset and you didn=
> reply,so what ? I imagine that you understand that you can't do that.
> So,why should I be able to make a job like the one you have described if =
> use everyday Linux , Freebsd as a hobby only ? What scares me is a belief
> that goes around on the net, which I call a form of omnipotence, in which
> people believe that others can do whatever they want. I've often found
> people who say they haven't even gotten a computer science degree yet,but
> they solve all the problems and they have a job in companies that pay the=
> very well. These are discrepancies I will never understand. What I do
> know, however, is that omnipotence in clinical psychology is a way of bei=
> that is found in many psychopathological serious frameworks. I don't expe=
> that someone will do the job. I've asked,for my technical curiosity, who
> was the major responsible for the absence of what is needed to make the
> torch work : I'm not sure if it belongs more to the python or the freebsd
> developers. I ask this because I don't understand what are the boundaries
> of the respective areas of competence.
> ---> Switch to supported OS to get things working out of the box :-)
> I don't want things that work out of the box. If I wanted to do that, we
> wouldn't be talking here, because I would be using Windows. Instead I've
> been using Linux for many years and Freebsd for a few years. This means
> that I accept and I can manage and solve a whole series of problems that
> don't require too many skills.
> Il giorno mar 22 nov 2022 alle ore 01:26 Tomek CEDRO <>
> ha scritto:
>> Long story short: PyTorch does not work on FreeBSD at this point, use
>> Linux version, or any other OS where binary packages are provided.
>> Short story long: below :-)
>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 6:48 PM Mario Marietto wrote:
>> > Tomek,can you repeat the steps you did when you tried to install
>> pytorch,but this time using torch as Gleb Popov suggested ? very thanks.
>> Already did, please take a look at previous answers :-)
>> When you try to install pytorch you will get an error you should use
>> torch name instead.. but there are no packages provided from FreeBSD..
>> and it does not build from the sources.. more work is necessary to
>> update the pytorch in order to build and run on FreeBSD.. looks like
>> weeks of work.. and this should be done by someone already familiar
>> with that tool to verify its operations even if it builds.. also note
>> that it has some hard dependencies on hardware acceleration that may
>> not yet be available here.
>> I would strongly use platform that is officially supported by the projec=
>> Get the correct tool for the task :-)
>> > Il giorno lun 21 nov 2022 alle ore 17:46 Mario Marietto ha scritto:
>> >>
>> >> Oh no,man,I don't think I'm. My job is totally different than yours.
>> I'm a psychologist. My training has been totally different. In your
>> opinion, can I make a job totally different from yours ? If it was
>> true,so,ok,you can analyze the people's mindset without a problem. You c=
>> get two jobs,you can earn two incomes. Why don't you make it ? I like to
>> play with linux-freebsd as a hobby. I can learn what I don't know ?
>> Sure,for those tasks that are of low-medium difficulties only. So,I shou=
>> even hire someone,spending money. You didn't understand my position. I
>> don't earn enough money even to live day by day. In your opinion,can I
>> spend money on that ? In addition,It works under Windows and Linux. So,t=
>> is another reason to not spend money on it.
>> Most of us are in this position :-)
>> Most of us have one or two or three projects / jobs to make a living
>> and then some spare time to develop Open-Source that we need on our
>> own and then we share the results "for free". Imagine how many new
>> things we have to learn and how many problems we encounter / overcome
>> in that process.
>> There is no "magic company" that takes infinite amount of money from
>> thin air to create working solutions based on people demands for
>> free.. even governments that fund "public research" are taxing their
>> own citizens.. commercial companies only develop Open-Source when they
>> have valid business model and funding for it.
>> If you do not want to put your time and effort to do the job on your
>> own, also you state there is no reason to do the job for you, then who
>> do you expect to do the job?
>> Really few lucky people are "paid good full-time salary for a
>> development on demand" where results are shared back to the public.
>> Even if, the work must be useful for a company that invest their money
>> and time to hire folks to develop new features, port software, etc.
>> Development of the Open-Source is not free. You can use it for free.
>> But there may be years of expensive work and thousands of brainz
>> behind. Please understand and respect that that you are given a
>> solution for free, but creating that solution is always quite
>> expensive in the first place.
>> Someone had to create the PyTorch, hire people to make it happen, then
>> the results are shared "for free". This tool was developed on Linux,
>> macOS and Windows, because there are packages provided. Making it work
>> on FreeBSD requires work that needs to be done. You cannot expect
>> anyone to do the job for you unless you care it enough to make it
>> happen yourself.. or find the funding to do the work for you. Maybe
>> the company that created PyTorch will be interested in porting to a
>> new unsupported platform but that is highly unlikely.
>> Most of us would like to "just focus" on what we need, but hey we all
>> need to pay the bills, thus we are all in the same position of making
>> choices where to invest our time for skills development and what might
>> be the results :-)
>> > And again : I don't work in any company,I'm not motivated enough even
>> for "intellectual" reasons.
>> Get the right tool for the task. Just use the supported OS and the
>> problem is be solved :-)
>> Most of us are simply driven by a curiosity, on how / why things work,
>> how to make things work, how to create new things, and we share what
>> we do with the rest of the world.. the reason we do not know something
>> is quite enough challenging motivation to get the required skills..
>> but hey there are only 24 hours in a single day :-)
>> > Try to forget me for a while and try to reply to my question : who has
>> more responsibility in this kind of situation where there is something t=
>> do to fill the gap between the pytorch and the freebsd developers ? than=
>> With the non-technical explanations above I am sure you will now
>> understand that  "you are responsible to make things that you care
>> about work" :-)
>> Switch to supported OS to get things working out of the box :-)
>> --
> --
> Mario.


Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<div dir=3D"ltr"><div>Hello.</div><div><br></div><div>Do you remember me,To=
mek ? I&#39;m the newbie that, some time ago, tried to clone and install th=
e =E2=80=9C<strong>Stable Diffusion web UI</strong>=E2=80=9D on FreeBSD,fai=
ling. Today I tried a different experiment.=20
I tried to install the <b>AUTOMATIC1111 webui for stable diffusion</b> with=
in my <b>/compat/ubuntu</b> &quot;distro&quot; using the FreeBSD linuxulato=
r. You can find the whole thread here :</div><div><br></div><div><a href=3D=
ortunately it failed,but I feel that it could work making some modification=
s within the file &quot;;. Do you want to give it a look ? Ma=
ye it can be done with a minimum effort. Very thanks. <br></div></div><br><=
div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">Il giorno m=
ar 22 nov 2022 alle ore 02:00 Mario Marietto &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:marietto="></a>&gt; ha scritto:<br></div><blockq=
uote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1p=
x solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><div dir=3D"ltr"><div>---&gt; Mo=
st of us are in this position :-)</div><div><br></div><div>From you I&#39;v=
e learnt that everytime you end a sentence with the &quot; :-) &quot; chara=
cter,you are ironic. So,I should not take you seriously :-) <br></div><div>=
So I&#39;m sure that you earn more money than me with your job :P <br></div=
><div><br></div><div>---&gt; If you do not want to put your time and effort=
 to do the job on your own, also you state there is no reason to do the job=
 for you, then who
do you expect to do the job ?</div><div><br></div><div>This is the kind of =
argument that makes me hurt. Even because you seem to have the ability to s=
kip / avoid the argument that you don&#39;t like or that you don&#39;t want=
 to reply to. I tell this because your next argument after that ignores it.=
 Maybe you are confused and you don&#39;t know what&#39;s the difference be=
tween <span lang=3D"en">&quot;want to do and be able to do&quot;. I can&#39=
;t do that kind of task. You</span><span lang=3D"en"> have provided me with=
 an estimate of how much effort and skills are needed. So,please don&#39;t =
overestimate my abilities. I don&#39;t do this to you. I&#39;ve asked if yo=
u are able to analyze a mindset and you didn&#39;t reply,so what ? I imagin=
e that you understand that you can&#39;t do that. So,why should I be able t=
o make a job like the one you have described if I use everyday Linux , Free=
bsd as a hobby only ?</span><span lang=3D"en"> What scares me is a belief t=
hat goes around on the net, which I call a form of omnipotence, in which pe=
ople believe that others can do whatever they want. I&#39;ve often found pe=
ople who say they haven&#39;t even gotten a computer science degree yet,but=
 they solve all the problems and they have a job in companies that pay them=
 very well.</span><span lang=3D"en"> These are discrepancies I will never u=
nderstand. What I do know, however, is that omnipotence in clinical psychol=
ogy is a way of being that is found in many psychopathological serious fram=
eworks. I don&#39;t expect that someone will do the job. I&#39;ve asked,for=
</span><span lang=3D"en"> my technical curiosity, who was the major respons=
ible for the absence of what is needed to make the torch work : I&#39;m not=
 sure if it belongs more to the python or the freebsd developers. I ask thi=
s because I don&#39;t understand w</span><span lang=3D"en">hat are the boun=
daries of the respective areas of competence. <br></span></div><div><span l=
ang=3D"en"><br></span><span lang=3D"en"> </span></div><div>---&gt; Switch t=
o supported OS to get things working out of the box :-)</div><div><br></div=
><div>I don&#39;t want things that work out of the box.<span lang=3D"en"> I=
f I wanted to do that, we wouldn&#39;t be talking here, because I would be =
using Windows. Instead I&#39;ve been using Linux for many years and Freebsd=
 for a few years. This means that I accept and I can manage and solve a who=
le series of problems that don&#39;t require too many skills.</span></div><=
/div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"gmail_attr">I=
l giorno mar 22 nov 2022 alle ore 01:26 Tomek CEDRO &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:t=" target=3D"_blank"></a>&gt; ha scritto:<br>=
</div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;b=
order-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">Long story short: P=
yTorch does not work on FreeBSD at this point, use<br>
Linux version, or any other OS where binary packages are provided.<br>
Short story long: below :-)<br>
On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 6:48 PM Mario Marietto wrote:<br>
&gt; Tomek,can you repeat the steps you did when you tried to install pytor=
ch,but this time using torch as Gleb Popov suggested ? very thanks.<br>
Already did, please take a look at previous answers :-)<br>
When you try to install pytorch you will get an error you should use<br>
torch name instead.. but there are no packages provided from FreeBSD..<br>
and it does not build from the sources.. more work is necessary to<br>
update the pytorch in order to build and run on FreeBSD.. looks like<br>
weeks of work.. and this should be done by someone already familiar<br>
with that tool to verify its operations even if it builds.. also note<br>
that it has some hard dependencies on hardware acceleration that may<br>
not yet be available here.<br>
I would strongly use platform that is officially supported by the project.<=
Get the correct tool for the task :-)<br>
&gt; Il giorno lun 21 nov 2022 alle ore 17:46 Mario Marietto ha scritto:<br=
&gt;&gt; Oh no,man,I don&#39;t think I&#39;m. My job is totally different t=
han yours. I&#39;m a psychologist. My training has been totally different. =
In your opinion, can I make a job totally different from yours ? If it was =
true,so,ok,you can analyze the people&#39;s mindset without a problem. You =
can get two jobs,you can earn two incomes. Why don&#39;t you make it ? I li=
ke to play with linux-freebsd as a hobby. I can learn what I don&#39;t know=
 ? Sure,for those tasks that are of low-medium difficulties only. So,I shou=
ld even hire someone,spending money. You didn&#39;t understand my position.=
 I don&#39;t earn enough money even to live day by day. In your opinion,can=
 I spend money on that ? In addition,It works under Windows and Linux. So,t=
his is another reason to not spend money on it.<br>
Most of us are in this position :-)<br>
Most of us have one or two or three projects / jobs to make a living<br>
and then some spare time to develop Open-Source that we need on our<br>
own and then we share the results &quot;for free&quot;. Imagine how many ne=
things we have to learn and how many problems we encounter / overcome<br>
in that process.<br>
There is no &quot;magic company&quot; that takes infinite amount of money f=
thin air to create working solutions based on people demands for<br>
free.. even governments that fund &quot;public research&quot; are taxing th=
own citizens.. commercial companies only develop Open-Source when they<br>
have valid business model and funding for it.<br>
If you do not want to put your time and effort to do the job on your<br>
own, also you state there is no reason to do the job for you, then who<br>
do you expect to do the job?<br>
Really few lucky people are &quot;paid good full-time salary for a<br>
development on demand&quot; where results are shared back to the public.<br=
Even if, the work must be useful for a company that invest their money<br>
and time to hire folks to develop new features, port software, etc.<br>
Development of the Open-Source is not free. You can use it for free.<br>
But there may be years of expensive work and thousands of brainz<br>
behind. Please understand and respect that that you are given a<br>
solution for free, but creating that solution is always quite<br>
expensive in the first place.<br>
Someone had to create the PyTorch, hire people to make it happen, then<br>
the results are shared &quot;for free&quot;. This tool was developed on Lin=
macOS and Windows, because there are packages provided. Making it work<br>
on FreeBSD requires work that needs to be done. You cannot expect<br>
anyone to do the job for you unless you care it enough to make it<br>
happen yourself.. or find the funding to do the work for you. Maybe<br>
the company that created PyTorch will be interested in porting to a<br>
new unsupported platform but that is highly unlikely.<br>
Most of us would like to &quot;just focus&quot; on what we need, but hey we=
need to pay the bills, thus we are all in the same position of making<br>
choices where to invest our time for skills development and what might<br>
be the results :-)<br>
&gt; And again : I don&#39;t work in any company,I&#39;m not motivated enou=
gh even for &quot;intellectual&quot; reasons.<br>
Get the right tool for the task. Just use the supported OS and the<br>
problem is be solved :-)<br>
Most of us are simply driven by a curiosity, on how / why things work,<br>
how to make things work, how to create new things, and we share what<br>
we do with the rest of the world.. the reason we do not know something<br>
is quite enough challenging motivation to get the required skills..<br>
but hey there are only 24 hours in a single day :-)<br>
&gt; Try to forget me for a while and try to reply to my question : who has=
 more responsibility in this kind of situation where there is something to =
do to fill the gap between the pytorch and the freebsd developers ? thanks.=
With the non-technical explanations above I am sure you will now<br>
understand that=C2=A0 &quot;you are responsible to make things that you car=
about work&quot; :-)<br>
Switch to supported OS to get things working out of the box :-)<br>
-- <br>
CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, <a href=3D"" rel=3D"noreferrer"=
</blockquote></div><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br><div dir=3D"ltr">Mario.<br>=
</blockquote></div><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"g=


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