Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 23:41:30 +0200 From: Robert Millan <> To: Subject: Increase DFLDSIZ on amd64? Message-ID: <>
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--f46d0447a2471291b704bdfaeb9c Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Hi, Is there any reason for DFLDSIZ being so low (128 MiB) on amd64? We've recently had a bunch of trouble in Debian when attempting to run the CMOR testsuite. Its testcases require about ~700 MiB to pass. We also found references recommending higher values for applications like SAP [2] or MySQL [3]. I understand on i386 there's a shortage of virtual memory, but on amd64 there's plenty of it. It seems this is already reflected on the MAXDSIZ setting (32 GiB), but DFLDSIZ is still the same as on i386. Wouldn't 32 GiB be a sound value as the default limit too? Is there any unreasonable cost or security consideration associated with allocating so many pages? Thanks [1] [2] [3] -- Robert Millan --f46d0447a2471291b704bdfaeb9c Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="data_size_limit.diff" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="data_size_limit.diff" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_h16wkd0w0 SW5kZXg6IHN5cy9hbWQ2NC9pbmNsdWRlL3ZtcGFyYW0uaAo9PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09Ci0tLSBzeXMvYW1k NjQvaW5jbHVkZS92bXBhcmFtLmgJKHJldmlzaW9uIDIzNDM4OSkKKysrIHN5cy9hbWQ2NC9pbmNs dWRlL3ZtcGFyYW0uaAkod29ya2luZyBjb3B5KQpAQCAtNTQsNyArNTQsNyBAQAogICovCiAjZGVm aW5lCU1BWFRTSVoJCSgxMjhVTCoxMDI0KjEwMjQpCS8qIG1heCB0ZXh0IHNpemUgKi8KICNpZm5k ZWYgREZMRFNJWgotI2RlZmluZQlERkxEU0laCQkoMTI4VUwqMTAyNCoxMDI0KQkvKiBpbml0aWFs IGRhdGEgc2l6ZSBsaW1pdCAqLworI2RlZmluZQlERkxEU0laCQkoMzI3NjhVTCoxMDI0KjEwMjQp CS8qIGluaXRpYWwgZGF0YSBzaXplIGxpbWl0ICovCiAjZW5kaWYKICNpZm5kZWYgTUFYRFNJWgog I2RlZmluZQlNQVhEU0laCQkoMzI3NjhVTCoxMDI0KjEwMjQpCS8qIG1heCBkYXRhIHNpemUgKi8K --f46d0447a2471291b704bdfaeb9c--
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