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Date:      Fri, 9 Feb 2001 14:54:17 -0500 
From:      "SILVER, MICHAEL A" <>
To:        "'Rick Hamell'" <>
Cc:        "'sarj'" <>, "'freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG'" <freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   RE: Hello from russia!
Message-ID:  <>

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This is a tech question???  Sounds more like newbie asking for advice.  Just
how am I supposed to know if a question passes the tech threshold?  I admit,
the other two questions did seem of a technical nature.  Does this mean if
two questions are technical, I cannot answer the third one? Perhaps if the
majority of the question are non-technical?

So what if I answer this question here?  Is that bad?  Does this rob us
newbies of precious bandwidth that could have been used for non-technical

I just don't get this list.  :-)


> 	Please do not ask or answer Tech-questions on 
> -newibes... it is a
> non-technical mailing list. -questions is the best place to ask such
> questions. Thanks much!
> Rick
> > > 3) Advise small local HTTP deamon with support CGI.

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