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Date:      Sun, 24 Sep 1995 09:13:56 -0400 (EDT)
From:      "Jonathan M. Bresler" <jmb@kryten.Atinc.COM>
To:        Peter da Silva <>
Subject:   Re: ports startup scripts
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On Sun, 24 Sep 1995, Peter da Silva wrote:

> > > >	with the K* and S* files in different directories, one for each 
> > > >run level, ascertaining the differences is needlessly harder.
> > > There are no differences unless you're using a broken editor.
> > 	i dont understand this.  what editor are you suggesting?
> Some editors break links by renaming the original file to .bak. VI doesn't.

	solves the rename problem.  not the 'is it the same of is it not, 
i have to did deeper' problem.

	startup and shutdown are inherently complicated with strict order 
dependencies (eg mount, nfs, ifconfig, routing, ......)

	a single file (that may well invoke others to do the work) serves 
as a clear outline of the startup/shutdown process.

> > 	a check for what?  for identical files?
> For non-identical files. Files with the same tail should be the same file.

	should,  but you question consistency and ability of those 
writing install scripts.  same question applies to files, contents, and 

	with all of them in one directory, one can NOT have a single 
filename performing two non-identical sets of commands.   removes a 
source of possible error

> > 	copy the file to /tmp.  edit the version in tmp.  display the 
> > diff.  either prompt for accepting the change (all ports that add 
> > services become interactive) or report the new file's location and ask 
> > the user to verify and install.  
> And you expect everyone to do that consistently?
> See, the problem is you have lots of people with varying levels of
> competance writing install scripts, often trying to make the same script
> work on BSD and System V and OSF/1 and NextStep and...

	i expect the ports-meister and packages-master to enforce that 
level of consistency.  the newbie sysadmin expects/wants clear 
unequivocal directions.  the experienced one will do what he knows is 
'the right thing' ;)

> > > I'm not that averse to having a unified directory, but each component should
> > > have its own startup and config file.
> > 	okay, sounds good.  one file, one service.   one master file that 
> > coordinates them all.
> NO. No master file. There is *no* justification for one.
> (If I had my druthers I'd have an /etc/inetd.d as well)

	no master file??   what executes the individual files and 
determines the order of execution....ascii sort order in a shell script?  
thats a master file which is generated on the fly.  and must rely on 
numerics to determine execution order rather than names.  (eg 67 vs 
named, we could use 67named, at least.  preserve sort order and provide 
information regarding action taken)

	master file could be a shell script, but in place of ascii sort 
order, a shell variable and a 'for x in $daemons' loop.

	(are we much closer to agreement than i realize?)

> > > Like I said in my original response, just having /etc/rc.d with S and K
> > > scripts run by /etc/rc and shutdown would be a massive improvement.
> > 	isnt this the one file that each port has to modify.  an 
> > objection you raised above?  
> Nope. You only move files into and out of the directory.
> I even ported this scheme to my Amiga.


Jonathan M. Bresler       | Analysis & Technology, Inc.  
FreeBSD Postmaster   jmb@FreeBSD.Org            | 2341 Jeff Davis Hwy
play go.                                        | Arlington, VA 22202
ride bike. hack FreeBSD.--ah the good life      | 703-418-2800 x346

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