Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 19:26:42 -0400 (EDT) From: Spidey <beaupran@JSP.UMontreal.CA> To: Julian Elischer <> Cc: Question=answer <freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG> Subject: Re: Melting 2 partitions into 1 (fwd) Message-ID: <>
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This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --0-1877870305-896311163=:402 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-ID: <> Hello! >>>>> For those in the list who don't have a hint of what I'm talking about here, see the message forwarded below. Briefly, it's about me trying to melt freespace with a already installed /usr partition. >>>>> I was wondering if you answered my previous questions... I've been out for a while and didn't receive any answers. Anyway, I'm gonna try the thing. I forward you the outputs of fdisk and disklabel (i.e. "disklabel /dev/wd0") I don't know if I on the right track and if the disks are OK. So please help me out! For sanity, I have a WD 3.2Gb hard drive partitionned this way: DOS (C:) 1 Gb FreeSpace: 500 Mb ? FreeBSD: 1.275 Gb FreeSpace: 500 Mb ? This is the output of partition magic... However, fdisk tells me that: Part: Type: Size: 1 unused ? 2 165 (FreeBSD) 1275 Mb 3 6 (DOS=FAT16) 1000 Mb 4 unused ? Is the order difference important? What is the cause of this difference? Before making the big move, I'll make my DOS partition a little bigger (See another posting to the list). I intend to use the rest of the partition to the grace of FreeBSD. I have ported almost nothing and my /usr boosted up to 1 Gig! Now I want to install some other stuff and I feel like I will always be missing some space... Is it feasable to use a 1.5 Gb partition to the sake of FreeBSD, when you use the ports to install (because it imports the source, contrarly to the package method)? The following is a forward of the message previously posted. Please read it because it includes important questions (to my eye!). Thanks a lot! Spidey ____________________________________ | Still searching for a good .sig... | \------------------------------------/ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 03:46:11 -0400 (EDT) From: Spidey <> To: Julian Elischer <> Subject: Re: Melting 2 partitions into 1 ... Rock'n Roll! mmm what fun will I have... The problem is that my /usr is going up to 95% of its limit (1Gb)... I don't know if I will try but I fear I will scrap my HD!!! Anyways there are some question coming up/// On Wed, 13 May 1998, Julian Elischer wrote: > you CAN do that but you have to REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! For now I just don't know... > 0/ write down (or better, print) teh output of fdisk and disklabel > for the appropriate device. > 1/ boot the fixit floppy, (I presume it has fdisk, disklabel and dd) You _presume_... How can I know? > 2/ copy the first 8K from the existing BSD partition to the first 8k of > the Win95 partition using dd and teh raw devices > ( dd if=/dev/rwd0s2 of=/dev/rwd0s1 count=16) Actually, it will be a DOS partition I'll be bumming space from... > 2/ using fdisk you can make the win95 partition > a BSD partition. The fixit fdisk? It can do that? I'll check the manpage... > and add the space from the 2nd (BSD) part to the first (now BSD) > and delete the 2nd OK, still with fdisk, if I get this right... > Since in this version of BSD, the offsets of the BSD partitions are > given in ABSOLUTE SECTOR OFFSETS from the beginning of the device, > the slices should all still be right in the table at the beginning. Hummm, ya... That's right (???) I don't have a hint of what this means. What's that "table"? > Make sure it's set active (flags 0x80) How can I check or do this? > 3/ try boot it. > it SHOULD boot as before. What if not ? > 4/ running disklabel you should see that ther is a big empty space at teh > beginning of the BSD slice. using disklabel -e wd0 > edit the disklabel to point an unused partition to the empty space To point an unsued partition to the empty space? Aren't the 2 partitions already melted together at this point? > 5/ > newfs it hmm I don't want to do any mistkes.... Could you give me some hints on the switches I should use??? > 6/ mount it > (there are other variants of this scheme) Are the other variants more simple? > > julian Thanks a lot for responding, this will help me a lot and even more if you answer the many questions I've asked you. Thanks again! Spidey > > > On Wed, 13 May 1998, BEAUPRE Antoine wrote: > > > Hi! > > > > I would like to know something... If by any hazard, I happen to delete my > > Win95 partition, can I recuperate the disk space and make it "melt" into , > > say, the /usr partition? > > > > I know about ccd, and I'd like a cleaner solution. > > > > thanx! > > > > +-----------------------------------+ > > | Free the world from businessmen | > > | Free yourself from your money | > > +-----------------------------------+ > > Free the web. > > Spidey > > > > visit: http://www.JSP.UMontreal.CA/~beaupran > > > > > > To Unsubscribe: send mail to > > with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message > > > > > To Unsubscribe: send mail to > with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message > > --0-1877870305-896311163=:402 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII; NAME="fdisk.o" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <> Content-Description: fdisk output KioqKioqKiBXb3JraW5nIG9uIGRldmljZSAvZGV2L3J3ZDAgKioqKioqKg0K cGFyYW1ldGVycyBleHRyYWN0ZWQgZnJvbSBpbi1jb3JlIGRpc2tsYWJlbCBh cmU6DQpjeWxpbmRlcnM9NzgyIGhlYWRzPTEyOCBzZWN0b3JzL3RyYWNrPTYz ICg4MDY0IGJsa3MvY3lsKQ0KDQpwYXJhbWV0ZXJzIHRvIGJlIHVzZWQgZm9y IEJJT1MgY2FsY3VsYXRpb25zIGFyZToNCmN5bGluZGVycz03ODIgaGVhZHM9 MTI4IHNlY3RvcnMvdHJhY2s9NjMgKDgwNjQgYmxrcy9jeWwpDQoNCk1lZGlh IHNlY3RvciBzaXplIGlzIDUxMg0KV2FybmluZzogQklPUyBzZWN0b3IgbnVt YmVyaW5nIHN0YXJ0cyB3aXRoIHNlY3RvciAxDQpJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBmcm9t IERPUyBib290YmxvY2sgaXM6DQpUaGUgZGF0YSBmb3IgcGFydGl0aW9uIDEg aXM6DQo8VU5VU0VEPg0KVGhlIGRhdGEgZm9yIHBhcnRpdGlvbiAyIGlzOg0K c3lzaWQgMTY1LChGcmVlQlNEL05ldEJTRC8zODZCU0QpDQogICAgc3RhcnQg MzA3MjM4NCwgc2l6ZSAyNjEyNzM2ICgxMjc1IE1lZyksIGZsYWcgODANCgli ZWc6IGN5bCAzODEvIHNlY3RvciAxLyBoZWFkIDA7DQoJZW5kOiBjeWwgNzA0 LyBzZWN0b3IgNjMvIGhlYWQgMTI3DQpUaGUgZGF0YSBmb3IgcGFydGl0aW9u IDMgaXM6DQpzeXNpZCA2LChQcmltYXJ5ICdiaWcnIERPUyAoPiAzMk1CKSkN CiAgICBzdGFydCA4MDY0LCBzaXplIDIwNDgyNTYgKDEwMDAgTWVnKSwgZmxh ZyAwDQoJYmVnOiBjeWwgMS8gc2VjdG9yIDEvIGhlYWQgMDsNCgllbmQ6IGN5 bCAyNTQvIHNlY3RvciA2My8gaGVhZCAxMjcNClRoZSBkYXRhIGZvciBwYXJ0 aXRpb24gNCBpczoNCjxVTlVTRUQ+DQo= --0-1877870305-896311163=:402 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII; NAME="disklabel.o" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <> Content-Description: disklabel output for wd0 IyAvZGV2L3J3ZDBjOg0KdHlwZTogRVNESQ0KZGlzazogd2QwczINCmxhYmVs OiANCmZsYWdzOg0KYnl0ZXMvc2VjdG9yOiA1MTINCnNlY3RvcnMvdHJhY2s6 IDYzDQp0cmFja3MvY3lsaW5kZXI6IDEyOA0Kc2VjdG9ycy9jeWxpbmRlcjog ODA2NA0KY3lsaW5kZXJzOiAzMjQNCnNlY3RvcnMvdW5pdDogMjYxMjczNg0K cnBtOiAzNjAwDQppbnRlcmxlYXZlOiAxDQp0cmFja3NrZXc6IDANCmN5bGlu ZGVyc2tldzogMA0KaGVhZHN3aXRjaDogMAkJIyBtaWxsaXNlY29uZHMNCnRy YWNrLXRvLXRyYWNrIHNlZWs6IDAJIyBtaWxsaXNlY29uZHMNCmRyaXZlZGF0 YTogMCANCg0KOCBwYXJ0aXRpb25zOg0KIyAgICAgICAgc2l6ZSAgIG9mZnNl dCAgICBmc3R5cGUgICBbZnNpemUgYnNpemUgYnBzL2NwZ10NCiAgYTogICAg NjU1MzYgICAgICAgIDAgICAgNC4yQlNEICAgICAgICAwICAgICAwICAgICAw IAkjIChDeWwuICAgIDAgLSA4KikNCiAgYjogICAxNTEyNDggICAgNjU1MzYg ICAgICBzd2FwICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAJIyAoQ3lsLiAgICA4Ki0g MjYqKQ0KICBjOiAgMjYxMjczNiAgICAgICAgMCAgICB1bnVzZWQgICAgICAg IDAgICAgIDAgICAgICAgCSMgKEN5bC4gICAgMCAtIDMyMykNCiAgZTogICAg NjE0NDAgICAyMTY3ODQgICAgNC4yQlNEICAgICAgICAwICAgICAwICAgICAw IAkjIChDeWwuICAgMjYqLSAzNCopDQogIGY6ICAyMzM0NTEyICAgMjc4MjI0 ICAgIDQuMkJTRCAgICAgICAgMCAgICAgMCAgICAgMCAJIyAoQ3lsLiAgIDM0 Ki0gMzIzKikNCg== --0-1877870305-896311163=:402-- To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message
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