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Date:      Thu, 17 May 2001 22:45:23 -0400 (EDT)
From:      Bob K <>
Subject:   socksified client-side identliciousness (fwd)
Message-ID:  <>

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I figured this may or may not be of interest to the socks5 port
maintainer.  Since the Makefile lists, well, here.

Bob <> | "Villain, I have done thy mother"
			- Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, act IV, scene II

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 12:06:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: bastard <>
Subject: socksified client-side identliciousness

Hey Bob,

  I've managed to solve my client-side ident problem, albeit with an  
assload of work. I thought you might like to know how, since I'm fairly
certain only a handful of freebsd users on the planet, if that, have 
gotten socksified client-side ident working. I've seen no fbsd success 
stories in any newsgroup or mailing list archives online - only pleas for 
help. There are a few success stories from linux admins who have gotten it 
working, but from what they report it seems to have worked for them 
because the involved compilations completed cleanly without manual
intervention. The process to get it working under freebsd was
non-existent. Fortunately, I invented it as I went along. Sorry about the
length of this mail, but it was a complicated procedure, and I think
it'll interest you.

  Okay, well, socks5 does, in fact, have means of supporting retrieval of
ident info from socksified clients which connect to it, but the support is
very poorly documented and broken by default (even when explicitly
enabled). First of all, libident needs to be installed on the system
before compiling socks5, so I made and installed it. Then socks5 need to
have it's configuration script passed the "--with-ident" feature. Did
that, via the top-level port makefile, then compiled. Didn't work. The
script couldn't find ident.h, even though it was in the current path. Had
a look the goodies whut makes de script go, and it's statically coded to
look for it in /usr/include. ln -s'd it from /usr/local/include. Script
then found it, but now ld cannot pass -lident. /usr/local/lib/libident.a
is in library path, though, so I untar the socks5 distfile and have a look
at the socks5-v1.0r11/server Makefile for goodness. It's looking for the 
lib statically, of course (yay dumbness, etc.). So, I symlink the real lib
to the /usr/lib dir, then try make again. It works. socks5 is now compiled
with client-retrieved ident support. I test it, and it works, with this

auth 192.168.0. - n
interface 192.168.0. -
interface - - ep0
permit n - 192.168.0. -  -  -  -
set SOCKS5_IDENTFILE /tmp/socks5.ident

  At least, it works in that it does what the socks5 server itself is
supposed to, but client-side ident is still broken.

  Next, I need to patch pidentd to interoperate with socks5, or none of
this ident goodness will work. The problem with this is that the latest
patch is for pidentd-2.8a4. Besides the fact that the current version in
the ports collection is 2.8.5, 2.8a4 has security holes. Less than
pleased, I grab the 2.8a4 source tarball and apply the socks5 patch to
parse.c. Now, the standard pidentd source will not compile on fbsd 3.x or
later systems. The ports collection version is extensively patched with
natively maintained code before it gets made. This presents a problem,
because the 2.8a4 parse.c patch will not be mergeable with the standard
2.8.5 code, LET ALONE the ports-patched version of 2.8.5's parse.c. This
pisses me off. A lot. Enough, in fact, that I can't stop thinking about
it. Fifteen minutes of frustrated consideration buys me a possible
solution. I decide to diff -b -B -c the socks5 patched 2.8a4 parse.c
against the ports-patched 2.8.5 parse.c, then patch the latter with with
patch thus produced. It works. All hunks succeed. So, I edit the Makefile
in /usr/ports/security/pidentd/work/pidentd-2.8.5 so that it passes
arguments and variables set in /usr/ports/security/pidentd/Makefile to the
gnu tools in use (so I can make from the distfile tarball's top level dir
and  produce output identical to that reaped from a standard port
make, except with all the new parse.c goodies included). I then make clean
from the top level dir, and finally make. Success. All the files produced
by a /usr/ports/security/pidentd make now sit under that dir's work
subdir, where the port Makefile expects to find them. So, I ascend to 
/usr/ports/security/pidentd and do a make deinstall to remove the  
standard, nonsocksified version I had previously compiled, then a make    
reinstall to get down with sum ident gudnezz from mah homie Socks 5.

  Hoping that everything will actually work, I then fire up the two
daemons and configure mIRC to use the firewall. I-MUTHAFUCKIN'-DENT! De
client be droppin' sum mad crazy ident blam-blam all over d'irc server! At
this point I actually yelled, "Ha! Bitch!" Current socks5 playing nicely
with current pidentd! 

  Heh. Sorry about the enthusiasm, but every other instance of this
configuration I've come across is using the (buggy) pident-2.8a4 release.

  I had actually looked into other options before pursuing all this
crap. None exist for FreeBSD, other than ident reply randomizers. oidentd
will forward ident requests to internal hosts only via IP masquerading, on
Linux and OpenBSD, and the method it uses is itself broken in many
ways (ipmasq sucks much). A nice thing about the solution I've implemented
is that while socks clients will ellicit an identd session to any identd
server running on the client host, pidentd will function normally in all
other cases, returning standard replies for any other requests (such as
those caused by local ircii sessions).

So, uh, ya. I need to sleep more now. =)


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