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Date:      Fri, 30 Aug 1996 22:36:44 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Doug White <>
To:        Scott Blachowicz <>
Cc:        Eric Berenguier <>, questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: FreeBSD 2.1.0 CRASH! 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>

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On Thu, 29 Aug 1996, Scott Blachowicz wrote:

> Doug White <> wrote:
> > Your swap is a bit small for your memory -- suggested is 2xmemory.
> > Although running out of swap won't illicit a panic (usually), it would be
> > something to consider.
> I've never really quite figured out that recommendation...unless you're
> assuming that the system has the "right" amount of RAM to reasonably run all
> the applications you want to run on it. In that case, the "2 x RAM" amount
> is really an indirect way of saying how much swap you need to run your
> applications. The amount of swap space should be more related to how much
> stuff you want to have in memory at one time, I would think.

I wish I knew the exact history behind it myself :-), but in my experience
it's been a good "yardstick", at least for starters.  Obviously, you don't
have to adhere to it (I could probably get by with 50mb on my 32MB RAM
workstation since I'm running X and not using swap), but again it's a
starting point.

> The size of the recommendation should change depending on whether or not
> the swap area is the total virtual address space or just an extension of
> the RAM (i.e.
>   sizeof(virtual addr space) == sizeof(RAM)+ sizeof(swap)
> instead of just
>   sizeof(virtual addr space) == sizeof(swap)

FreeBSD uses method #1.  It's all the same to the VM system.

> ). If on a system doing the latter, 20Mb is definitely not enough swap for
> 16Mb of RAM.  I don't really know which category FreeBSD falls into (it
> could be that any recent OS uses the former method...I don't know).

I don't know of any OSs that consider the swap to be total memory
available.  The three that I know of that use swap other than UNIXen are
OS/2, Windows95 and Windows, and they use method #1 too.  

Doug White                              | University of Oregon  
Internet:    | Residence Networking Assistant    | Computer Science Major

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