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Date:      Thu, 31 Dec 1998 17:44:03 -0600 (CST)
From:      Scott Barron <>
To:        Richard Seaman <>
Cc:        current@FreeBSD.ORG, "Kevin G. Eliuk" <>
Subject:   Re: Trouble with Staroffice5.0
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>

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On 31-Dec-98 Richard Seaman wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 31, 1998 at 10:43:58AM -0800, Kevin G. Eliuk wrote:


>> Any ideas on where I can go from here.
> Only one.  I should note that I'm not a StarOffice guru by any means.
> I've only tried it out as a test case of the linux threads emulation
> code.
> The idea is that StarOffice is a resource hog, and you don't have much
> RAM.  I'm not smart enought to read the output you sent to find how
> much swap space you have.  Is is possible you're just running out of
> resources?  When I run soffice, just the initial program, without
> actually doing anything, shows 24MB of resident memory and 32MB of
> total vm memory under "top".  And, this is with my vm stack patches
> applied.  I'd guess the vm memory would jump another 10MB without
> them.
> You presumably have an X server running, plus whatever else, so is
> it possible you just need more RAM?  I've only tried it on a 
> machine with 256MB of RAM and 512MB of swap. :)
> -- 

        I would like to add a note here.  I had the same problem described
while running Linux.  My box has 96M RAM and about 130M of swap space.  Star
Office would freeze in about the same place, but I was not so lucky to have
regained control of my keyboard and hence had to do a cold boot.  After doing
it twice I decided to heck with it and downloaded word perfect 8.  I have not
tried anything on FreeBSD yet.  Has anyone attempted running WP8 on FreeBSD? 
It was a lot less resource hungry than SO4 on Linux.


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