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Date:      Sun, 16 Jun 2024 13:08:53 +0200
From:      Daniel Engberg <>
To:        Gleb Popov <>
Cc:        Harry Schmalzbauer <>,, Rene Ladan <>
Subject:   Re: Another berserker victim: 03b36d9 textproc/obsidian: Remove expired port
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On 2024-06-16T12:37:28.000+02:00, Gleb Popov <>



The thing is that they're very heavy, tends to accumula=
te CVEs quite
fast and have a lot of dependencies that we need to maintai=
n (since
it's EoL upstream). We already have 4 versions in tree which is =
a lot already.and likely quite time-consuming to maintain as it is.=

>From what I can tell it also appears that almost every other distro
ve dropped Electron 25 as it been EoL for 6 months already.

Given upstream's versioning I guess upstream recently started
porting a more recent version as 1.6 was released about a week ago
and th=
ere's an alpha release using Electron 30.

I do think the correct decis=
ion here was to remove it despite not
having a "fix" for all consumers th=

Best regards,


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<html><body><div>On 2024-06-16T12:37:28.000+02:00, Gleb Popov &lt;arrowd@fr=; wrote:<br></div><div ><div><br></div></div><div><br></div><di=
v class=3D"ik_mail_quote answerContentMessage"><blockquote class=3D"ws-ng-q=
uote"><pre style=3D"white-space: normal;"><div>This is partly my fault as a=
 maintainer. We've updated Obsidian in our<br></div><div>$WORK tree, but I =
forgot to upstream it.<br></div><div><br></div><div>But I also agree that w=
e should make an exception for Electron ports, because<br></div><div>- Elec=
tron itself is pretty fast-moving, but at the same time has a<br></div><div=
>lot of commercial consumers that aren't that keen for keeping up with<br><=
/div><div>its pace<br></div><div>- We only have electron package building o=
n the cluster, so it<br></div><div>wouldn't hurt package building side of t=
hings anyway.<br></div><div><br></div><div>What do you think, Rene?<br></di=
v></pre></blockquote></div><div>The thing is that they're very heavy, tends=
 to <span><span data-dobid=3D"hdw">accumulate CVEs quite fast and have a lo=
t of dependencies that we need to maintain (since it's EoL upstream). We al=
ready have 4 versions in tree which is quite a lot already.</span></span>an=
d likely quite time-consuming to maintain as it is. From what I can tell it=
 also appears that almost every other distro have dropped Electron 25 as it=
 been EoL for 6 months already. <a href=3D"
tron-25-is-now-eol-please-upgrade-to-a-newer-version/72878" target=3D"_blan=
k" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer" data-ik=3D"ik-secure">https://forum.obsidian=
></div><div><br></div><div>Given upstream's versioning I guess upstream rec=
ently started supporting a more recent version as 1.6 was released about a =
week ago and there's an alpha release using Electron 30.<br></div><div><br>=
</div><div>I do think the correct decision here was to remove it despite no=
t having a "fix" for all consumers though.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Bes=
t regards,<br></div><div>Daniel<br></div></body></html>


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