Date: Tue, 7 May 2019 08:46:26 -0500 From: Karl Denninger <> To: Subject: Re: ZFS... Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
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This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format. --------------ms010102010001050009060703 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On 5/7/2019 00:02, Michelle Sullivan wrote: > The problem I see with that statement is that the zfs dev mailing lists= constantly and consistently following the line of, the data is always ri= ght there is no need for a =E2=80=9Cfsck=E2=80=9D (which I actually get) = but it=E2=80=99s used to shut down every thread... the irony is I=E2=80=99= m now installing windows 7 and SP1 on a usb stick (well it=E2=80=99s actu= ally installed, but sp1 isn=E2=80=99t finished yet) so I can install a zf= s data recovery tool which reports to be able to =E2=80=9Cwalk the data=E2= =80=9D to retrieve all the files... the irony eh... install windows7 on = a usb stick to recover a FreeBSD installed zfs filesystem... will let yo= u know if the tool works, but as it was recommended by a dev I=E2=80=99m = hopeful... have another array (with zfs I might add) loaded and ready to = go... if the data recovery is successful I=E2=80=99ll blow away the origi= nal machine and work out what OS and drive setup will be safe for the dat= a in the future. I might even put FreeBSD and zfs back on it, but if I d= o it won=E2=80=99t be in the current Zraid2 config. Meh. Hardware failure is, well, hardware failure.=C2=A0 Yes, power-related failures are hardware failures. Never mind the potential for /software /failures.=C2=A0 Bugs are, well, bugs.=C2=A0 And they're a real thing.=C2=A0 Never had the shortcomings of= UFS bite you on an "unexpected" power loss?=C2=A0 Well, I have.=C2=A0 Is ZFS absol= utely safe against any such event?=C2=A0 No, but it's safe*r*. I've yet to have ZFS lose an entire pool due to something bad happening, but the same basic risk (entire filesystem being gone) has occurred more than once in my IT career with other filesystems -- including UFS, lowly MSDOS and NTFS, never mind their predecessors all the way back to floppy disks and the first 5Mb Winchesters.=C2=A0 I learned a long time ago that two is one and one is none when it comes to data, and WHEN two becomes one you SWEAT, because that second failure CAN happen at the worst possible time. As for RaidZ2 .vs. mirrored it's not as simple as you might think.=C2=A0 Mirrored vdevs can only lose one member per mirror set, unless you use three-member mirrors.=C2=A0 That sounds insane but actually it isn't in certain circumstances, such as very-read-heavy and high-performance-read environments. The short answer is that a 2-way mirrored set is materially faster on reads but has no acceleration on writes, and can lose one member per mirror.=C2=A0 If the SECOND one fails before you can resilver, and that resilver takes quite a long while if the disks are large, you're dead.=C2= =A0 However, if you do six drives as a 2x3 way mirror (that is, 3 vdevs each of a 2-way mirror) you now have three parallel data paths going at once and potentially six for reads -- and performance is MUCH better.=C2=A0 A 3-way mirror can lose two members (and could be organized as 3x2) but obviously requires lots of drive slots, 3x as much *power* per gigabyte stored (and you pay for power twice; once to buy it and again to get the heat out of the room where the machine is.) Raidz2 can also lose 2 drives without being dead.=C2=A0 However, it doesn= 't get any of the read performance improvement *and* takes a write performance penalty; Z2 has more write penalty than Z1 since it has to compute and write two parity entries instead of one, although in theory at least it can parallel those parity writes -- albeit at the cost of drive bandwidth congestion (e.g. interfering with other accesses to the same disk at the same time.)=C2=A0 In short RaidZx performs about as "wel= l" as the *slowest* disk in the set.=C2=A0 So why use it (particularly Z2) a= t all?=C2=A0 Because for "N" drives you get the protection of a 3-way mirro= r and *much* more storage.=C2=A0 A six-member RaidZ2 setup returns ~4Tb of usable space, where with a 2-way mirror it returns 3Tb and a 3-way mirror (which provides the same protection against drive failure as Z2) you have only *half* the storage.=C2=A0 IMHO ordinary Raidz isn't worth t= he trade-offs, but Z2 frequently is. In addition more spindles means more failures, all other things being equal, so if you need "X" TB of storage and organize it as 3-way mirrors you now have twice as many physical spindles which means on average you'll take twice as many faults.=C2=A0 If performance is more important = then the choice is obvious.=C2=A0 If density is more important (that is, a lot= or even most of the data is rarely accessed at all) then the choice is fairly simple too.=C2=A0 In many workloads you have some of both, and thu= s the correct choice is a hybrid arrangement; that's what I do here, because I have a lot of data that is rarely-to-never accessed and read-only but also have some data that is frequently accessed and frequently written.=C2=A0 One size does not fit all in such a workload. MOST systems, by the way, have this sort of paradigm (a huge percentage of the data is rarely read and never written) but it doesn't become economic or sane to try to separate them until you get well into the terabytes of storage range and a half-dozen or so physical volumes.=C2=A0= There's a=C2=A0 very clean argument that prior to that point but with gre= ater than one drive mirrored is always the better choice. Note that if you have an *adapter* go insane (and as I've noted here I've had it happen TWICE in my IT career!) then *all* of the data on the disks served by that adapter is screwed. It doesn't make a bit of difference what filesystem you're using in that scenario and thus you had better have a backup scheme and make sure it works as well, never mind software bugs or administrator stupidity ("dd" as root to the wrong target, for example, will reliably screw you every single time!) For a single-disk machine ZFS is no *less* safe than UFS and provides a number of advantages, with arguably the most-important being easily-used snapshots.=C2=A0 Not only does this simplify backups since coherency duri= ng the backup is never at issue and incremental backups become fast and easily-done in addition boot environments make roll-forward and even *roll-back* reasonable to implement for software updates -- a critical capability if you ever run an OS version update and something goes seriously wrong with it.=C2=A0 If you've never had that happen then consi= der yourself blessed; it's NOT fun to manage in a UFS environment and often winds up leading to a "restore from backup" scenario.=C2=A0 (To be fair i= t can be with ZFS too if you're foolish enough to upgrade the pool before being sure you're happy with the new OS rev.) --=20 Karl Denninger <> /The Market Ticker/ /[S/MIME encrypted email preferred]/ --------------ms010102010001050009060703 Content-Type: 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