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Date:      Thu, 17 Jun 2010 14:54:55 -0600
From:      Dale Scott <>
To:        "Michael W. Lucas" <>
Subject:   Re: PDF storage software recommendations?
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <>

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=3E I=27m certain that we have something in ports that will do this=2C b=
=3E danged if I can find a good candidate=2E=A0 While I=27m sure I =

=3E could build a
=3E database/PHP app that would work=2C surely someone=27s already done =
=3E Any recommendations=3F

I=27m experimenting with OpenDocMan (PHP/MySQL=2C http=3A//www=2Eopendoc=
man=2Ecom/) for storing ad hoc documents associated with part numbers in=
 a WebERP system (http=3A//www=2Eweberp=2Eorg)=2E system=2E OpenDocMan h=
as been around for a while and didn=27t see a lot of activity after rele=
ase=2C but seems to be pretty active again=2E We added a menu item in th=
e WebERP ItemMaster page for a user to submit an associated document=2C =
which is just a link to the submit document page in OpenDocMan (also add=
ed a =22Search for Associated Documents=22 menu item which is a link to =
a search in OpenDocMan for documents associated with that part number)=2E=
 If there are multiple documents associated with part number=2C the user=
 would have to zip the documents and then check-in the zip archive=2E Th=
is concept can be applied to other documents=2C such as a received purch=
ase order which is then associated with a new internal sales order and p=
roduction order=2E

I=27m also investigating using Mercurial and the Windows TortoiseHg clie=
nt (or a simplfied custom =22management-and-incoming-inspection-clerk=22=
 friendly client) to check-in an arbitrary directory structure=2E Users =
could create a local directory on their Windows box for mini-project wor=
k (e=2Eg=2E=2C datasheets for a commercial-off-the-shelf part=2C Word do=
c and graphics for a user manual=2C sales analysis spreadsheet and Power=
Point presentation=2C custom part drawings and work instruction=2C etc=2E=
)=2C and when they=27re finished=2C =22check-in=22 the directory=2E I th=
ink the folder check-in might be a simpler concept for casual users=2C b=
ut need to finish the strawman and get some critique=2E


Dale Scott=2C P=2EEng=2E
e-mail=3A dalescott=40shaw=2Eca

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