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Date:      Mon, 21 Aug 2023 15:25:25 +0100
From:      Kaya Saman <>
Subject:   Re: ZFS Root size keeps going down after upgrade to 13.2-release
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
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On 8/21/23 15:15, wrote:
>> On 21 Aug 2023, at 15:52, Kaya Saman <>=
>> On 8/21/23 14:49, wrote:
>>>> On 21 Aug 2023, at 15:41, Kaya Saman <
m> wrote:
>>>> On 8/21/23 14:38, wrote:
>>>>>> On 21 Aug 2023, at 15:34, Kaya Saman <kayasaman@optiplex-networks.=
com> wrote:
>>>>>> On 8/21/23 14:23, wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 21 Aug 2023, at 15:14, Kaya Saman <kayasaman@optiplex-network=> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 8/21/23 14:07, wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 21 Aug 2023, at 14:21, Kaya Saman <kayasaman@optiplex-netwo=> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> # zfs list -ro space zroot/ROOT
>>>>>>>>>> NAME                                          AVAIL   USED USE=
>>>>>>>>>> zroot/ROOT                                     720M  88.5G 0B =
    88K             0B      88.5G
>>>>>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p5_2023-08-20_220010   720M     8K 0B =
     8K             0B         0B
>>>>>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/13.2-RELEASE-p2_2023-08-20_224534   720M     8K 0B =
     8K             0B         0B
>>>>>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/default                             720M  88.5G 52.=
0G   36.5G             0B         0B
>>>>>>>>> That last line seems to indicate there is 52.0 G used in snapsh=
ots of zroot/ROOT/default and 36.5G in the dataset itself.
>>>>>>>>> Output of zfs list -o  space -t snapshot |grep zroot/ROOT/defau=
lt should give a list of the snapshots and the sizes.
>>>>>>>>> 	Paul
>>>>>>>> Thanks so much Paul.... I feel like I'm spinning around in circl=
es currently...
>>>>>>>> There doesn't seem to be anything indicative of that space being=
 used up?
>>>>>>>>   zfs list -o  space -t snapshot |grep zroot/ROOT/defaul
>>>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2022-11-28-06:08:26-0      -   583M -       -=
              -          -
>>>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2022-11-28-06:38:48-0      -  11.4M -       -=
              -          -
>>>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2022-11-28-07:26:20-0      -  9.41M -       -=
              -          -
>>>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2023-08-20-22:00:10-0      -  34.5M -       -=
              -          -
>>>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2023-08-20-22:45:34-0      -  9.56M -       -=
              -          -
>>>>>>>> certainly not 52GB?
>>>>>>> That=E2=80=99s definitely confusing.
>>>>>>> What=E2=80=99s the full output of 'zfs list -o space -r zroot=E2=80=
=99  and of 'zpool list  -v zroot=E2=80=99
>>>>>>> 	Paul
>>>>>> Here are the outputs:
>>>>>> zfs list -o space -r zroot
>>>>>> NAME                                          AVAIL   USED USEDSNA=
>>>>>> zroot                                          720M   107G 0B   2.=
20G             0B       105G
>>>>>> zroot/ROOT                                     720M  88.5G 0B     =
88K             0B      88.5G
>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p5_2023-08-20_220010   720M     8K 0B     =
 8K             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/13.2-RELEASE-p2_2023-08-20_224534   720M     8K 0B     =
 8K             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/ROOT/default                             720M  88.5G 52.0G  =
 36.5G             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/swap                                    3.78G  6.19G 0B   3.=
11G          3.08G         0B
>>>>>> zroot/tmp                                      720M   121M 0B    1=
21M             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/usr                                      720M  7.09G 0B     =
88K             0B      7.09G
>>>>>> zroot/usr/home                                 720M    88K 0B     =
88K             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/usr/obj                                  720M  4.75G 0B   4.=
75G             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/usr/ports                                720M   432K 0B    1=
76K             0B       256K
>>>>>> zroot/usr/ports/distfiles                      720M   168K 0B    1=
68K             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/usr/ports/packages                       720M    88K 0B     =
88K             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/usr/src                                  720M  2.35G 0B   2.=
35G             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/var                                      720M  2.60G 0B     =
88K             0B      2.60G
>>>>>> zroot/var/audit                                720M    88K 0B     =
88K             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/var/backups                              720M   141M 0B    1=
41M             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/var/crash                                720M    88K 0B     =
88K             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/var/db                                   720M  1.69G 0B   1.=
59G             0B      94.8M
>>>>>> zroot/var/db/pkg                               720M  94.8M 0B   94=
.8M             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/var/empty                                720M    88K 0B     =
88K             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/var/log                                  720M   792M 0B    7=
92M             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/var/mail                                 720M  3.96M 0B   3.=
96M             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/var/run                                  720M   248K 0B    2=
48K             0B         0B
>>>>>> zroot/var/tmp                                  720M   672K 0B    6=
72K             0B         0B
>>>>>>   zpool list  -v zroot
>>>>>> zroot        111G   104G  7.22G        -         -    82%    93% 1=
.00x    ONLINE  -
>>>>>>    mirror-0   111G   104G  7.22G        -         -    82% 93.5%  =
    -    ONLINE
>>>>>>      ada0p3   111G      -      -        -         -      - -      =
>>>>>>      ada1p3   111G      -      -        -         -      - -      =
>>>>> Those look quite normal. What about 'zfs list -r -t all -o space zr=
oot/ROOT/default=E2=80=99  ?
>>>>> 	Paul
>>>> zfs list -r -t all -o space zroot/ROOT/default
>>>> NAME                                      AVAIL   USED  USEDSNAP USE=
>>>> zroot/ROOT/default                         720M  88.5G     52.0G 36.=
5G             0B         0B
>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2022-11-28-06:08:26-0      -   583M -       -    =
          -          -
>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2022-11-28-06:38:48-0      -  11.4M -       -    =
          -          -
>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2022-11-28-07:26:20-0      -  9.41M -       -    =
          -          -
>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2023-08-20-22:00:10-0      -  34.5M -       -    =
          -          -
>>>> zroot/ROOT/default@2023-08-20-22:45:34-0      -  9.56M -       -    =
          -          -
>>>> Strange! It shows a 52GB 'claimed' snapshot but where is it?
>>> Can you give output of 'zfs get all zroot/ROOT/default=E2=80=99 as we=
ll ? Maybe that gives a hint.
>>> 	Paul
>> Sure:
>> zfs get all zroot/ROOT/default
>> NAME                PROPERTY              VALUE SOURCE
>> zroot/ROOT/default  type                  filesystem             -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  creation              Tue Aug  7  2:53 2018  -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  used                  88.5G                  -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  available             720M                   -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  referenced            36.5G                  -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  compressratio         1.29x                  -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  mounted               yes                    -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  quota                 none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  reservation           none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  recordsize            128K default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  mountpoint            / local
>> zroot/ROOT/default  sharenfs              off default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  checksum              on default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  compression           lz4 inherited from zroot
>> zroot/ROOT/default  atime                 on default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  devices               on default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  exec                  on default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  setuid                on default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  readonly              off default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  jailed                off default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  snapdir               hidden default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  aclmode               discard default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  aclinherit            restricted default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  createtxg             93                     -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  canmount              noauto local
>> zroot/ROOT/default  xattr                 on default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  copies                1 default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  version               5                      -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  utf8only              off                    -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  normalization         none                   -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  casesensitivity       sensitive              -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  vscan                 off default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  nbmand                off default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  sharesmb              off default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  refquota              none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  refreservation        none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  guid                  15509736917917171623   -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  primarycache          all default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  secondarycache        all default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  usedbysnapshots       52.0G                  -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  usedbydataset         36.5G                  -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  usedbychildren        0B                     -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  usedbyrefreservation  0B                     -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  logbias               latency default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  objsetid              58                     -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  dedup                 off default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  mlslabel              none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  sync                  standard default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  dnodesize             legacy default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  refcompressratio      1.32x                  -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  written               1.53G                  -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  logicalused           108G                   -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  logicalreferenced     46.0G                  -
>> zroot/ROOT/default  volmode               default default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  filesystem_limit      none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  snapshot_limit        none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  filesystem_count      none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  snapshot_count        none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  snapdev               hidden default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  acltype               nfsv4 default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  context               none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  fscontext             none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  defcontext            none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  rootcontext           none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  relatime              off default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  redundant_metadata    all default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  overlay               on default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  encryption            off default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  keylocation           none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  keyformat             none default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  pbkdf2iters           0 default
>> zroot/ROOT/default  special_small_blocks  0 default
> That looks consistent with the rest of the data.
> Man page for zfsprops mentions this for snapshots;
>                             The used space of a snapshot (see the Snaps=
>                             section of zfsconcepts(7)) is space that is
>                             referenced exclusively by this snapshot.  I=
f this
>                             snapshot is destroyed, the amount of used s=
>                             will be freed.  Space that is shared by mul=
>                             snapshots isn't accounted for in this metri=
c.  When
>                             a snapshot is destroyed, space that was pre=
>                             shared with this snapshot can become unique=
>                             snapshots adjacent to it, thus changing the=
>                             space of those snapshots.  The used space o=
f the
>                             latest snapshot can also be affected by cha=
nges in
>                             the file system.  Note that the used space =
of a
>                             snapshot is a subset of the written space o=
f the
>                             snapshot.
> Note : Space that is shared by multiple  snapshots isn't accounted for =
in this metric.
> My theory is that the snapshots/boot environments share about  52G of w=
ith each other but not with the parent dataset.
> As there is no data unique to one snapshot it does not show
> What you could do is delete all except one bootenvironment.
> The snapshot data used should then be unique to that last snapshot and =
 appear in the lists.
> 	Paul

I just responded to Olivier above but I have managed to free up the=20
necessary space by deleting all the snapshots:

df -h
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 Size=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 Used=C2=A0=C2=
=A0 Avail Capacity=C2=A0=20
Mounted on
 89G=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 36G=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 53G 41%=C2=A0=C2=
=A0=C2=A0 /

For some reason some of the snapshots were automatically 'cloned' and=20
exactly as you suggested above there was a fair amount of space sharing=20
between snapshots. This of course resulted in data being removed from=20
the main snapshot but still remained on disk due another snapshot=20
referencing that data....

Very confusing for an automated process but anyway, I have space again :-=

Thank you so much everyone for your help and input!

Best Regards,


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