Messages: 365, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:11:46 UTC 2023
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1. May 24 Satoshi Asami Re: committing ports question: what to do about INDEX file? 2. May 24 Dag-Erling C. Sm\xf8rgrav cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 3. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 4. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 5. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 6. May 25 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 7. May 25 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 8. May 26 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 9. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 10. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 11. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 12. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 13. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 14. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 15. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 16. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 17. May 27 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 18. May 28 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 19. May 29 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: CVSROOT modules 20. May 26 Joseph Koshy cvs commit: doc/FAQ admin.sgml
21. May 27 Doug White Re: cvs commit: doc/FAQ admin.sgml 22. May 27 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: doc/FAQ FAQ.sgml 23. May 26 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: doc/handbook contrib.sgml 24. May 26 John Fieber Re: cvs commit: doc/handbook contrib.sgml 25. May 27 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: doc/handbook handbook.sgml 26. May 29 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: doc/handbook kerneldebug.sgml 27. May 28 Joseph Koshy cvs commit: doc/handbook linuxemu.sgml 28. May 27 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: doc/handbook mirrors.sgml 29. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: doc/handbook submitters.sgml 30. May 28 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: doc/handbook submitters.sgml 31. May 28 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: doc/handbook submitters.sgml 32. May 26 Hanai Hiroyuki cvs commit: doc/ja/FAQ admin.sgml 33. May 24 Hanai Hiroyuki cvs commit: doc/ja/FAQ hardware.sgml 34. May 30 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: doc/ja/FAQ hardware.sgml doc/ja/handbook kernelconfig.sgml 35. May 26 Hanai Hiroyuki cvs commit: doc/ja/FAQ network.sgml 36. May 24 Hanai Hiroyuki cvs commit: doc/ja/FAQ serial.sgml 37. May 28 Hanai Hiroyuki cvs commit: doc/ja/handbook hw.sgml 38. May 24 Hanai Hiroyuki cvs commit: doc/ja/handbook jcontrib.sgml jmembers.sgml porting.sgml 39. May 29 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: doc/ja/handbook submitters.sgml 40. May 24 Hanai Hiroyuki cvs commit: doc/ja/man/man8 mount_nfs.8
41. May 28 Torsten Blum cvs commit: ports/audio/mpg123 Makefile ports/audio/mpg123/files md5 ports/audio/m 42. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/audio/nas/patches patch-ba 43. May 26 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/audio/xmcd Makefile ports/audio/xmcd/files md5 ports/audio/xmcd/ 44. May 27 Vanilla I. Shu cvs commit: ports/chinese/ted/patches patch-aa patch-ae ports/chinese/ted/pkg PLIS 45. May 30 Donald Burr cvs commit: ports/comms/atp Makefile ports/emulators/xmame Makefile ports/emulator 46. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/devel Makefile ports/devel/linuxgdb Makefile ports/devel/linuxgd 47. May 26 Donald Burr cvs commit: ports/devel/prc-tools Makefile 48. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/editors Makefile 49. May 25 Bill Fenner cvs commit: ports/editors/cooledit Makefile ports/misc/korganizer Makefile ports/c 50. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/editors/xemacs-mule - Imported sources 51. May 26 Gary Jennejohn Re: cvs commit: ports/editors/xemacs-mule - Imported sources 52. May 30 Jun Kuriyama Re: cvs commit: ports/editors/xemacs-mule - Imported sources 53. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/editors/xemacs-mule-common - Imported sources 54. May 29 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/editors/xemacs-mule/pkg COMMENT 55. May 24 Donald Burr cvs commit: ports/games/kdegames Makefile 56. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/games/xboard Makefile 57. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/games/xboard Makefile 58. May 25 Mark Huizer Re: cvs commit: ports/games/xboard Makefile 59. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/games/xboard/pkg PLIST 60. May 28 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/games/xgalaga Makefile ports/games/xgalaga/files md5 patch-ab po
61. May 28 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/games/xgalaga/patches patch-aa 62. May 28 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/games/xgalaga/patches patch-ac 63. May 25 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/graphics Makefile 64. May 27 Vanilla I. Shu cvs commit: ports/graphics/gimp-devel Makefile ports/graphics/gimp-devel/patches p 65. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/graphics/mpeg_play Makefile ports/graphics/mpeg_play/files md5 66. May 25 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/graphics/rayshade - Imported sources 67. May 25 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/graphics/rayshade rayshade-4.0.tgz 68. May 26 Donald Burr cvs commit: ports/graphics/sane Makefile ports/graphics/sane/files md5 ports/graph 69. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese Makefile 70. May 29 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese Makefile 71. May 29 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese/edict - Imported sources 72. May 27 Jun-ichiro Itoh cvs commit: ports/japanese/mh Makefile ports/japanese/mh/files md5 FreeBSD.in port 73. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese/xemacs - Imported sources 74. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese/xemacs-canna - Imported sources 75. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese/xemacs-canna+wnn4 - Imported sources 76. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese/xemacs-canna+wnn6 - Imported sources 77. May 29 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese/xemacs-canna/pkg COMMENT ports/japanese/xemacs-canna+wn 78. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese/xemacs-wnn4 - Imported sources 79. May 26 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese/xemacs-wnn6 - Imported sources 80. May 30 Jun Kuriyama cvs commit: ports/japanese/xemacs/pkg COMMENT
81. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/lang/expect Makefile ports/lang/expect/files md5 ports/lang/expe 82. May 29 John Polstra cvs commit: ports/lang/modula-3-lib/scripts configure 83. May 25 Mark Murray cvs commit: ports/mail/exim Makefile ports/mail/exim/files Makefile eximon.conf md 84. May 26 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/mail/fetchmail Makefile ports/mail/fetchmail/files md5 ports/mai 85. May 30 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/mail/imap-uw Makefile 86. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/mail/imap-uw/files md5 ports/mail/imap-uw/patches patch-aa patch 87. May 28 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/math/xgraph Makefile ports/math/xgraph/files md5 88. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/misc Makefile 89. May 26 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/misc Makefile 90. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/misc/korganizer - Imported sources 91. May 26 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/misc/kproject - Imported sources 92. May 25 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: ports/net Makefile 93. May 27 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/net Makefile 94. May 24 Andreas Klemm cvs commit: ports/net/bb Makefile 95. May 25 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: ports/net/icb - Imported sources 96. May 25 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: ports/net/icb/patches DONT.patch-n-ab 97. May 27 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/net/sic - Imported sources 98. May 27 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/net/sic Makefile 99. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/print Makefile 100. May 28 Andreas Klemm cvs commit: ports/print/apsfilter Makefile ports/print/apsfilter/files md5
101. May 28 Andreas Klemm cvs commit: ports/print/ghostscript5/files md5 102. May 24 Andreas Klemm cvs commit: ports/print/ghostscript5/scripts configure 103. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/print/klyx - Imported sources 104. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/print/klyx Makefile 105. May 29 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/print/mgv Makefile ports/print/mgv/files md5 ports/print/mgv/pat 106. May 26 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/print/teTeX Makefile ports/print/teTeX/pkg PLIST 107. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/print/xtem Makefile 108. May 29 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: ports/security/sudo/patches patch-aa 109. May 29 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: ports/security/sudo/patches patch-aa 110. May 28 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/www Makefile 111. May 28 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/www/apache-fp - Imported sources 112. May 30 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: ports/www/apache-fp/patches patch-ad patch-fc 113. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/www/hypermail Makefile ports/www/hypermail/files md5 114. May 27 Donald Burr cvs commit: ports/www/Mosaic Makefile 115. May 27 Vanilla I. Shu cvs commit: ports/x11/gtk Makefile ports/x11/gtk/files md5 ports/x11/gtk/pkg PLIST 116. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: ports/x11/icewm Makefile ports/x11/icewm/files patch-titlebottom patch 117. May 28 Thomas Gellekum Re: cvs commit: ports/x11/lesstif Makefile ports/x11/lesstif/files md5 ports/x11/ 118. May 25 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/x11/lesstif Makefile ports/x11/lesstif/files md5 ports/x11/lesst 119. May 28 Satoshi Asami Re: cvs commit: ports/x11/lesstif Makefile ports/x11/lesstif/files md5 ports/x11/l 120. May 28 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/x11/lesstif/pkg PLIST
121. May 28 Thomas Gellekum cvs commit: ports/x11/lesstif/pkg PLIST 122. May 26 Joerg Wunsch cvs commit: ports/x11/xtestpicture Makefile ports/x11/xtestpicture/files md5 123. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src Makefile 124. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src Makefile 125. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src Makefile 126. May 27 Bruce Evans Re: cvs commit: src Makefile 127. May 27 Satoshi Asami Re: cvs commit: src Makefile 128. May 28 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src Makefile 129. May 28 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src Makefile 130. May 28 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src Makefile 131. May 28 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src Makefile 132. May 28 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src Makefile 133. May 30 John Hay cvs commit: src Makefile 134. May 26 Søren Schmidt cvs commit: src Makefile src/etc rc src/etc/mtree BSD.usr.dist src/gnu/usr.bin/ld 135. May 26 Søren Schmidt Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as M 136. May 26 Garrett Wollman Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as M 137. May 26 Doug Rabson Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as M 138. May 26 Søren Schmidt Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as M 139. May 26 Doug Rabson Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as M 140. May 26 Poul-Henning Kamp Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile
141. May 26 Søren Schmidt Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile 142. May 26 Poul-Henning Kamp Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile 143. May 26 Søren Schmidt Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile 144. May 26 Mike Smith Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile 145. May 26 Poul-Henning Kamp Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile 146. May 26 Mike Smith Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile 147. May 26 Poul-Henning Kamp Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile 148. May 26 Garrett Wollman Re: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile 149. May 25 Søren Schmidt cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/as Makefile src/ 150. May 27 Søren Schmidt cvs commit: src Makefile src/usr.bin/objformat Makefile objformat.c 151. May 27 Poul-Henning Kamp cvs commit: src/bin Makefile 152. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/bin/mv mv.c 153. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/bin/mv mv.c 154. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/bin/ps extern.h keyword.c print.c 155. May 28 Poul-Henning Kamp cvs commit: src/bin/ps print.c src/usr.bin/top machine.c src/sys/ddb db_print.c sr 156. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/contrib/cvs/src cvs.h main.c server.c 157. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/contrib/cvs/src login.c 158. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/contrib/cvs/src rcscmds.c 159. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/contrib/cvs/src server.c 160. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/contrib/cvs/src server.c
161. May 30 Steve Price cvs commit: src/contrib/global/htags htags.1 162. May 30 Steve Price cvs commit: src/contrib/global/htags htags.1 163. May 24 Dag-Erling C. Sm\xf8rgrav cvs commit: src/contrib/libreadline display.c 164. May 26 Julian Elischer cvs commit: src/contrib/sys/softupdates ffs_softdep.c 165. May 27 Daniel O'Callaghan cvs commit: src/etc Makefile 166. May 27 Joseph Koshy cvs commit: src/etc Makefile src/sys/i386/boot/biosboot Makefile 167. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/etc master.passwd 168. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/etc rc.firewall 169. May 26 Jonathan M. Bresler cvs commit: src/etc/mail sendmail.cf.additions 170. May 26 Jonathan M. Bresler cvs commit: src/etc/mail sendmail.cf.additions 171. May 28 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/etc/mtree BSD.include.dist 172. May 24 Dag-Erling C. Sm\xf8rgrav cvs commit: src/etc/periodic/daily 200.backup-passwd 173. May 24 Eivind Eklund cvs commit: src/gnu/lib/libgmp Makefile 174. May 28 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub Makefile 175. May 28 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub Makefile 176. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/lib Makefile 177. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/lib/libc/gen getvfsent.3 178. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/lib/libc/gen getvfsent.3 179. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/lib/libc/gen getvfsent.3 180. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/lib/libc/gen getvfsent.3
181. May 30 Steve Price cvs commit: src/lib/libc/gen getvfsent.3 182. May 30 Steve Price cvs commit: src/lib/libc/gen semctl.c src/sys/sys sem.h 183. May 26 John Birrell cvs commit: src/lib/libc_r/uthread uthread_fd.c 184. May 26 John Birrell cvs commit: src/lib/libc_r/uthread uthread_fd.c 185. May 25 John Birrell cvs commit: src/lib/libc_r/uthread uthread_write.c uthread_writev.c 186. May 26 John Birrell cvs commit: src/lib/libc_r/uthread uthread_write.c uthread_writev.c 187. May 26 John Birrell cvs commit: src/lib/libc_r/uthread uthread_writev.c 188. May 28 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/lib/libcrypt Makefile 189. May 27 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src/lib/libedit makelist 190. May 30 John Hay cvs commit: src/lib/libedit makelist 191. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/lib/libutil login_class.c 192. May 28 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/lib/libutil Makefile libutil.h uucplock.3 uucplock.c 193. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/libexec/ftpd ftpd.c 194. May 29 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src/release Makefile 195. May 30 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src/release Makefile 196. May 24 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src/release/sysinstall devices.c menus.c sysinstall.8 sysinstall.h 197. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/release/sysinstall installUpgrade.c 198. May 24 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src/release/sysinstall/help distributions.hlp fixit.hlp hardware.hlp i 199. May 29 Joseph Koshy cvs commit: src/sbin/disklabel disklabel.5 200. May 29 Daniel O'Callaghan cvs commit: src/sbin/disklabel disklabel.5
201. May 25 Joseph Koshy cvs commit: src/sbin/dumpon dumpon.8 202. May 25 Daniel O'Callaghan cvs commit: src/sbin/dumpon dumpon.8 203. May 27 Joseph Koshy cvs commit: src/sbin/dumpon dumpon.8 204. May 30 Peter Hawkins cvs commit: src/sbin/dumpon dumpon.8 205. May 26 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: src/sbin/fsck inode.c 206. May 26 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: src/sbin/fsck setup.c 207. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/sbin/ping ping.c 208. May 24 Warner Losh Re: cvs commit: src/sbin/ping ping.c 209. May 24 Steve Price Re: cvs commit: src/sbin/ping ping.c 210. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/sbin/ping ping.c 211. May 25 Bill Fenner cvs commit: src/sbin/ping ping.c 212. May 25 Bill Fenner cvs commit: src/sbin/ping ping.c 213. May 25 Joseph Koshy cvs commit: src/share/man/man4 bpf.4 214. May 25 Joseph Koshy cvs commit: src/share/man/man4 bpf.4 215. May 25 Julian Elischer cvs commit: src/share/man/man4 divert.4 src/sys/netinet ip_divert.c 216. May 30 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: src/share/man/man4 tun.4 217. May 30 Matthew Hunt cvs commit: src/share/man/man4 tun.4 218. May 30 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: src/share/mk Makefile bsd.port.mk bsd.locale.mk 219. May 30 Masafumi NAKANE/=?iso-2022 Re: cvs commit: src/share/mk Makefile bsd.README bsd.port.mk bsd.locale.mk 220. May 30 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: cvs commit: src/share/mk Makefile bsd.README bsd.port.mk bsd.locale.mk
221. May 30 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: src/share/syscons/keymaps us.unix.kbd Makefile 222. May 27 Joseph Koshy cvs commit: src/share/termcap termcap.src 223. May 30 Peter Hawkins cvs commit: src/share/termcap termcap.src 224. May 30 Peter Hawkins cvs commit: src/share/termcap termcap.src 225. May 24 Dag-Erling Coidan =?iso-88 Re: cvs commit: src/share/timedef/data no_NO.ISO_8859-1.src 226. May 24 =?koi8-r?B?4c7E0sXKIP7F0s7 Re: cvs commit: src/share/timedef/data no_NO.ISO_8859-1.src 227. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/share/timedef/data no_NO.ISO_8859-1.src 228. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/share/timedef/data no_NO.ISO_8859-1.src 229. May 30 Poul-Henning Kamp cvs commit: src/sys/conf files src/sys/pci xrpu.c src/sys/i386/conf LINT 230. May 25 Luigi Rizzo Re: cvs commit: src/sys/conf options src/sys/netinet ip_divert.c 231. May 25 Julian Elischer Re: cvs commit: src/sys/conf options src/sys/netinet ip_divert.c 232. May 25 Julian Elischer cvs commit: src/sys/conf options src/sys/netinet ip_divert.c ip_fw.c ip_input.c ip 233. May 25 Brian Somers Re: cvs commit: src/sys/conf options src/sys/netinet ip_divert.c ip_fw.c ip_input. 234. May 25 Julian Elischer Re: cvs commit: src/sys/conf options src/sys/netinet ip_divert.c ip_fw.c ip_input. 235. May 27 Daniel O'Callaghan cvs commit: src/sys/i386/boot/biosboot Makefile 236. May 27 Søren Schmidt cvs commit: src/sys/i386/boot/kzipboot Makefile 237. May 29 Poul-Henning Kamp cvs commit: src/sys/i386/conf majors.i386 238. May 26 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/i386/i386 initcpu.c 239. May 27 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/i386/isa ccbque.h 240. May 27 Paul Richards cvs commit: src/sys/i386/isa if_lnc.c
241. May 27 Paul Richards cvs commit: src/sys/i386/isa if_lnc.c 242. May 27 Paul Richards cvs commit: src/sys/i386/isa if_lnc.c 243. May 27 Mike Smith Re: cvs commit: src/sys/i386/isa if_lnc.c 244. May 25 Jonathan M. Bresler cvs commit: src/sys/i386/isa if_zp.c 245. May 25 Jonathan M. Bresler" <jmb> Re: cvs commit: src/sys/i386/isa if_zp.c 246. May 29 Poul-Henning Kamp cvs commit: src/sys/i386/isa loran.c 247. May 25 Julian Elischer cvs commit: src/sys/netinet ip_divert.c 248. May 27 Julian Elischer cvs commit: src/sys/netinet ip_divert.c 249. May 27 Julian Elischer cvs commit: src/sys/netinet ip_divert.c 250. May 26 David Greenman cvs commit: src/sys/netinet ip_icmp.c 251. May 26 David Greenman cvs commit: src/sys/netinet ip_icmp.c 252. May 24 David Greenman cvs commit: src/sys/netinet ip_input.c 253. May 24 David Greenman cvs commit: src/sys/netinet ip_input.c 254. May 24 Bill Fenner cvs commit: src/sys/netinet tcp_output.c 255. May 24 Bill Fenner cvs commit: src/sys/netinet tcp_output.c 256. May 25 David Greenman cvs commit: src/sys/nfs nfs.h 257. May 24 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/sys/nfs nfs.h nfs_node.c nfs_nqlease.c nfs_subs.c nfs_vfsops.c 258. May 30 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/sys/nfs nfs_bio.c nfs_serv.c nfs_vfsops.c nfs_vnops.c nfsmount.h 259. May 30 Bruce Evans Re: cvs commit: src/sys/nfs nfs_bio.c nfs_serv.c nfs_vfsops.c nfs_vnops.c nfsmount 260. May 30 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/sys/nfs nfs_vnops.c
261. May 30 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/sys/nfs nfs_vnops.c 262. May 30 Michael Hancock Re: cvs commit: src/sys/nfs nfs_vnops.c 263. May 30 Michael Hancock Re: cvs commit: src/sys/nfs nfs_vnops.c 264. May 28 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/pc98/boot/biosboot Makefile 265. May 28 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/pc98/boot/kzipboot Makefile 266. May 27 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/pc98/conf files.pc98 267. May 29 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/pc98/conf majors.pc98 268. May 25 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/pc98/conf Makefile.pc98 269. May 28 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/pc98/i386 machdep.c 270. May 28 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/pc98/pc98 clock.c 271. May 27 KATO Takenori cvs commit: src/sys/pc98/pc98 pc98.c 272. May 24 Amancio Hasty cvs commit: src/sys/pci brooktree848.c 273. May 26 Tim Vanderhoek Re: cvs commit: src/sys/pci brooktree848.c 274. May 26 Bill Paul cvs commit: src/sys/pci if_tl.c 275. May 29 Bill Paul cvs commit: src/sys/pci if_tl.c 276. May 24 Daniel O'Connor Re: cvs commit: src/sys/pci if_tl.c if_tlreg.h 277. May 28 Dmitrij Tejblum cvs commit: src/sys/sys cdefs.h 278. May 24 Guido van Rooij cvs commit: src/sys/vm vm_mmap.c 279. May 29 David E. O'Brien cvs commit: src/usr.bin Makefile 280. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.bin/cmp cmp.1
281. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.bin/cmp cmp.1 282. May 27 Daniel O'Callaghan cvs commit: src/usr.bin/last last.1 last.c 283. May 27 Daniel O'Callaghan cvs commit: src/usr.bin/last last.1 last.c 284. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.bin/make make.1 parse.c 285. May 30 Peter Hawkins cvs commit: src/usr.bin/netstat inet.c 286. May 25 Søren Schmidt cvs commit: src/usr.bin/objformat Makefile 287. May 25 Søren Schmidt cvs commit: src/usr.bin/objformat Makefile 288. May 26 Søren Schmidt cvs commit: src/usr.bin/objformat Makefile 289. May 27 Peter Wemm cvs commit: src/usr.bin/objformat Makefile 290. May 25 Søren Schmidt cvs commit: src/usr.bin/objformat Makefile objformat.c 291. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.bin/su su.1 su.c 292. May 25 Daniel O'Callaghan cvs commit: src/usr.bin/su su.c 293. May 25 Daniel O'Callaghan cvs commit: src/usr.bin/su su.c 294. May 27 John Hay cvs commit: src/usr.bin/systat vmstat.c 295. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.bin/uudecode uudecode.c 296. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.bin/uudecode uudecode.c 297. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.bin/who who.1 298. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.bin/who who.c 299. May 25 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.bin/who who.c 300. May 25 Dag-Erling Coidan =?iso-88 Re: cvs commit: src/usr.bin/who who.c
301. May 25 Dag-Erling C. Sm\xf8rgrav cvs commit: src/usr.bin/who who.c 302. May 25 Steve Price Re: cvs commit: src/usr.bin/who who.c 303. May 25 Dag-Erling Coidan =?iso-88 Re: cvs commit: src/usr.bin/who who.c 304. May 24 Dag-Erling C. Sm\xf8rgrav cvs commit: src/usr.sbin Makefile src/usr.sbin/chkgrp Makefile chkgrp.8 chkgrp.c 305. May 24 Andreas Klemm Re: cvs commit: src/usr.sbin Makefile src/usr.sbin/chkgrp Makefile chkgrp.8 chkgrp 306. May 24 Dag-Erling Coidan =?iso-88 Re: cvs commit: src/usr.sbin Makefile src/usr.sbin/chkgrp Makefile chkgrp.8 chkgrp 307. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ac ac.c 308. May 27 Dag-Erling C. Sm\xf8rgrav cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/chkgrp chkgrp.8 chkgrp.c 309. May 28 Julian Elischer cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/mtest mtest.c 310. May 28 Julian Elischer Re: cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/mtest mtest.c 311. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/pcvt/keycap keycap.src 312. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/pcvt/keycap keycap.src 313. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/pcvt/keycap keycap.src 314. May 24 Steve Price cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/pcvt/keycap keycap.src 315. May 28 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ppp bundle.c bundle.h chat.c defs.h log.c main.c modem.c 316. May 29 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ppp bundle.c bundle.h id.c id.h main.c modem.c physical.h 317. May 29 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ppp bundle.c command.c datalink.c defs.c defs.h ipcp.c ma 318. May 28 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ppp bundle.c datalink.c datalink.h id.c id.h modem.c mode 319. May 24 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ppp bundle.c datalink.c main.c modem.c mp.c 320. May 25 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ppp bundle.c modem.c
321. May 28 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ppp defs.c 322. May 27 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ppp main.c prompt.c 323. May 29 Brian Somers cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/ppp README.alias README.changes README.devel lcp.c ppp.8 324. May 27 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data applications.sgml auditors.sgml availability.sgml features.sg 325. May 26 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data gallery.db 326. May 26 Nate Johnson cvs commit: www/data gallery.sgml gallery.db 327. May 26 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data includes.sgml 328. May 26 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data index-site.sgml 329. May 26 Andreas Klemm Re: cvs commit: www/data index-site.sgml 330. May 26 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: www/data index-site.sgml 331. May 27 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data index-site.sgml 332. May 27 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data index.html 333. May 27 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data index.html 334. May 30 Steve Price cvs commit: www/data newbies.sgml 335. May 25 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data newsflash.sgml 336. May 30 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: www/data newsflash.sgml 337. May 25 Martin Cracauer cvs commit: www/data newsflash.sgml publish.sgml 338. May 26 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data publish.sgml 339. May 25 Martin Cracauer cvs commit: www/data register.sgml 340. May 26 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data search-mid.sgml atoz.pl
341. May 27 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data support.sgml 342. May 26 Nate Johnson cvs commit: www/data/cgi gallery.cgi 343. May 27 Nate Johnson cvs commit: www/data/cgi gallery.cgi 344. May 27 Nate Johnson cvs commit: www/data/cgi gallery.cgi 345. May 26 Wolfram Schneider cvs commit: www/data/commercial consulting.sgml 346. May 29 Jordan K. Hubbard cvs commit: www/data/commercial software.sgml 347. May 27 Joseph Koshy Re: doc/FAQ admin.sgml or ``Plan of Action on PRs'' 348. May 28 Doug White Re: doc/FAQ admin.sgml or ``Plan of Action on PRs'' 349. May 28 Wolfram Schneider Re: doc/FAQ admin.sgml or ``Plan of Action on PRs'' 350. May 30 Peter Wemm elf vs. bsd.*.mk 351. May 30 Mike Smith Re: elf vs. bsd.*.mk 352. May 30 Eivind Eklund Re: elf vs. bsd.*.mk 353. May 30 Peter Wemm Re: elf vs. bsd.*.mk 354. May 30 Mike Smith Re: elf vs. bsd.*.mk 355. May 30 Bruce Evans Re: elf vs. bsd.*.mk 356. May 30 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: elf vs. bsd.*.mk 357. May 25 Greg Lehey GNU man pages (was: cvs commit: src Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin Makefile src/gnu/usr. 358. May 29 Masafumi NAKANE/=?iso-2022 Re: hub:/var full, please cleanup you mailboxes! 359. May 29 Jordan K. Hubbard Re: hub:/var full, please cleanup you mailboxes! 360. May 29 Masafumi NAKANE/=?iso-2022 Re: hub:/var full, please cleanup you mailboxes!
361. May 30 Wolfram Schneider Re: hub:/var full, please cleanup you mailboxes! 362. May 28 Daniel O'Callaghan locale specifications 363. May 24 Amancio Hasty none 364. May 29 Jun Kuriyama src/share/skel/dot.profile 365. May 24 Frank J. Eigler Subscription
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