Messages: 6, sorted by subject
| Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:23:01 UTC 2023 |
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1. May 28 Dorr H. Clark here's an unnecessary fix (Re: standards/44425: getcwd() succeedseven if current d 2. May 28 Dorr H. Clark here's an unnecessary fix (Re: standards/44425: getcwd() succeedseven if current d 3. May 28 Craig Rodrigues Re: standards/50523: Deprecate <machine/limits.h>, add <sys/limits.h> 4. May 29 Maxim Konovalov Re: standards/50523: Deprecate <machine/limits.h>, add <sys/limits.h> 5. May 28 Craig Rodrigues Re: standards/50582: Define WCHAR_MIN and WCHAR_MAX in <wchar.h> 6. May 29 Maxim Konovalov Re: standards/50582: Define WCHAR_MIN and WCHAR_MAX in <wchar.h>
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