Messages: 35, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:13:55 UTC 2023
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1. Apr 30 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 2. Apr 30 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 3. Apr 30 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 4. Apr 30 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 5. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 6. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 7. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 8. May 2 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 9. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 10. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 11. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 12. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 13. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 14. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 15. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 16. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 17. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 18. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 19. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 20. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [head tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
21. May 3 FreeBSD Tinderbox [releng_7 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64 22. May 2 vwe@FreeBSD.org Re: amd64/105514: FreeBSD/amd64 - Fails to boot on HP Pavilion dv8000 Laptop 23. Apr 27 Jeff Isaac Re: amd64/111955: [install] Install CD boot panic due to missing BIOS smap on 5.5 24. Apr 28 John Baldwin Re: amd64/111955: [install] Install CD boot panic due to missing BIOS smap on 5.5 25. May 2 vwe@FreeBSD.org Re: amd64/119417: [boot] FreeBSD 7.0 rc1 amd64 won't boot on thinkpad x61 notebook 26. Apr 30 RIchard amd64/123275: cbb/pcmcia drivers on amd64 failure 27. Apr 28 FreeBSD bugmaster Current problem reports assigned to freebsd-amd64@FreeBSD.org 28. May 1 Juergen Lock kernel/kld debugging on amd64 (qemu gdbstub, gdbinit, asf(1)...) 29. May 1 John Baldwin Re: kernel/kld debugging on amd64 (qemu gdbstub, gdbinit, asf(1)...) 30. May 1 Juergen Lock Re: kernel/kld debugging on amd64 (qemu gdbstub, gdbinit, asf(1)...) 31. Apr 29 Juergen Lock seems I finally found what upset kqemu on amd64 SMP... shared gdt! (please test p 32. May 1 Juergen Lock Re: seems I finally found what upset kqemu on amd64 SMP... shared gdt! (please tes 33. May 1 John Baldwin Re: seems I finally found what upset kqemu on amd64 SMP... shared gdt! (please tes 34. May 1 Juergen Lock Re: seems I finally found what upset kqemu on amd64 SMP... shared gdt! (please tes 35. May 1 John Baldwin Re: seems I finally found what upset kqemu on amd64 SMP... shared gdt! (please tes
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