Messages: 5, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:15:10 UTC 2023
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1. May 6 Matthias Apitz porting "nozomi" driver (Option N.V. GlobeTrotter 3G+ UMTS datacard) to FreeBSD 7. 2. May 9 Matthias Apitz Re: porting "nozomi" driver (Option N.V. GlobeTrotter 3G+ UMTS datacard) to FreeBS 3. May 9 Ian Smith Re: porting "nozomi" driver (Option N.V. GlobeTrotter 3G+ UMTS datacard) to FreeBS 4. May 10 Matthias Apitz Re: porting "nozomi" driver (Option N.V. GlobeTrotter 3G+ UMTS datacard) to FreeBS 5. May 10 Niki Denev Re: porting "nozomi" driver (Option N.V. GlobeTrotter 3G+ UMTS datacard) to FreeBS
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