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Messages: 29, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:14:35 UTC 2023

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  1. Dec 24 Global Researchers Journal Call for Paper December 2014 { Vol 4 | Issue 12}
  2. Dec 26 Konstantin Belousov        Fixing dlopen("")
  3. Dec 26 Daniel Eischen              Re: Fixing dlopen("")
  4. Dec 25 Alfred Perlstein           Libxo bugs and fixes.
  5. Dec 25 Simon J. Gerraty            Re: Libxo bugs and fixes.
  6. Dec 25 Alfred Perlstein            Re: Libxo bugs and fixes.
  7. Dec 25 Simon J. Gerraty            Re: Libxo bugs and fixes.
  8. Dec 25 Alfred Perlstein            Re: Libxo bugs and fixes.
  9. Dec 26 Simon J. Gerraty            Re: Libxo bugs and fixes.
 10. Dec 23 Adrian Chadd               libxo in /usr/lib, but binaries in /bin //sbin need it?
 11. Dec 24 Alfred Perlstein           Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML
 12. Dec 24 Alfred Perlstein            Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML
 13. Dec 24 Kim Shrier                  Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML
 14. Dec 24 Alfred Perlstein            Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML
 15. Dec 24 John-Mark Gurney            Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML
 16. Dec 24 Alfred Perlstein            Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML
 17. Dec 24 Alfred Perlstein            Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML
 18. Dec 24 Kim Shrier                  Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML
 19. Dec 24 Alfred Perlstein            Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML
 20. Dec 24 Kim Shrier                  Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML

21. Dec 24 Alfred Perlstein Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML 22. Dec 24 Kim Shrier Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML 23. Dec 24 Alfred Perlstein Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML 24. Dec 25 Alfred Perlstein Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML 25. Dec 25 Garrett Cooper Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML 26. Dec 25 Alfred Perlstein Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML 27. Dec 25 Simon J. Gerraty Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML 28. Dec 27 Phil Shafer Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML 29. Dec 27 Alfred Perlstein Re: XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML

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