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Messages: 41, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:26 UTC 2023

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  1. May 19 Hellmuth Michaelis         cheap ISDN card (available in Germany)
  2. May 19 Wolfgang Helbig             Re: cheap ISDN card (available in Germany)
  3. May 19 Stefan Bethke               Re: cheap ISDN card (available in Germany)
  4. May 20 Hellmuth Michaelis          Re: cheap ISDN card (available in Germany)
  5. May 19 David Wetzel               DTMF Tone detection
  6. May 20 David Wetzel                Re: DTMF Tone detection
  7. May 20 D. Rock                    i4b and 2nd B-channel
  8. May 21 Hellmuth Michaelis          Re: i4b and 2nd B-channel
  9. May 21 Gary Jennejohn              Re: i4b and 2nd B-channel
 10. May 22 \"D. Rock\" <Daniel Rock    Re: i4b and 2nd B-channel
 11. May 22 Hellmuth Michaelis          Re: i4b and 2nd B-channel
 12. May 21 Stefan Herrmann            i4b and telefon answering
 13. May 22 David Wetzel                Re: i4b and telefon answering
 14. May 22 Stefan Herrmann             RE: i4b and telefon answering
 15. May 22 Malte Lance                 RE: i4b and telefon answering
 16. May 22 Malte Lance                 RE: i4b and telefon answering
 17. May 22 Hellmuth Michaelis          Re: i4b and telefon answering
 18. May 22 Hellmuth Michaelis          Re: i4b and telefon answering
 19. May 22 Stefan Herrmann             RE: i4b and telefon answering
 20. May 22 Hellmuth Michaelis         i4b-00.61-alpha-220598.tgz available for ftp

21. May 22 Leo Weppelman Re: i4b-00.61-alpha-220598.tgz available for ftp 22. May 23 Wolfgang Helbig Re: i4b-00.61-alpha-220598.tgz available for ftp 23. May 20 Eilko Bos isdn4bsd & shiva 24. May 21 Gary Jennejohn Re: isdn4bsd & shiva 25. May 23 Stefan Herrmann Problem oder normal ? 26. May 20 Stefan Herrmann problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 27. May 20 Hellmuth Michaelis Re: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 28. May 20 Stefan Herrmann Re: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 29. May 21 Matthias Schuendehuette Re: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 30. May 21 Malte Lance Re: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 31. May 21 Stefan Herrmann RE: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 32. May 22 Hellmuth Michaelis Re: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 33. May 22 Stefan Herrmann RE: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 34. May 22 Hellmuth Michaelis Re: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 35. May 22 Stefan Herrmann RE: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 36. May 22 Hellmuth Michaelis Re: problems kompiling the kernel with i4b 37. May 18 Julian H. Stacey White noise outgoing from creatix 16 bit cards 38. May 19 Hellmuth Michaelis Re: White noise outgoing from creatix 16 bit cards 39. May 19 Blaz Zupan Re: White noise outgoing from creatix 16 bit cards 40. May 21 Gary Jennejohn Re: White noise outgoing from creatix 16 bit cards
41. May 21 Hellmuth Michaelis Re: White noise outgoing from creatix 16 bit cards

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