Messages: 11, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:14:18 UTC 2023
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1. Jun 4 Muhammad Nuzaihan (no subject) 2. May 11 pechter@lucent.com Efficient ENI-155P ATM on Alpha question 3. May 12 Carlos Antonio Ruggiero ForeRunner LE 4. May 25 grime@dcn.soongsil.ac.kr How about Efficient Networks' 25.6Mbps ATM NIC? 5. May 25 Mike Spengler Re: How about Efficient Networks' 25.6Mbps ATM NIC? 6. May 11 Panos GEVROS inria ipv6 and ATM 7. May 11 Kenjiro Cho Re: inria ipv6 and ATM 8. May 12 Carlos Antonio Ruggiero none 9. May 12 Carlos Antonio Ruggiero none 10. May 12 Mike Spengler Re: your mail 11. May 12 Mark Tinguely Re: your mail
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