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Messages: 11, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:16:51 UTC 2023

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  1. May 21 Jun Kuriyama               FYI: XPG4DL
  2. May 22 Alexander Voropay          i18n in FreeBSD
  3. May 22 Boris Popov                 Re: i18n in FreeBSD
  4. May 26 Eugene M. Kim               Re: i18n in FreeBSD
  5. May 27 Boris Popov                 Re: i18n in FreeBSD
  6. May 22 David E. Cross             subscribe
  7. May 22 Thomas Runge               Re: Wide-char support and libc
  8. May 22 Valeriy E. Ushakov          Re: Wide-char support and libc
  9. May 22 Garance A Drosihn           Re: Wide-char support and libc
 10. May 22 David E. Cross              Re: Wide-char support and libc
 11. May 22 G. Adam Stanislav           Re: Wide-char support and libc

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