Messages: 50, sorted by subject
| Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:24 UTC 2023 |
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1. May 1 Julian H. Stacey Re: Accessing (the i4b) device driver 2. May 2 Martin Moeller Re: Accessing (the i4b) device driver 3. May 8 Divacky Roman bcopy issues... 4. May 3 Scott Long Call for March-April 2004 Status reports! 5. May 3 Scott Long Call for March-April 2004 Status reports! 6. May 3 Kevin A. Pieckiel Editing /usr/include/*.h? 7. May 3 Julian Elischer Re: Editing /usr/include/*.h? 8. May 5 Matthew D. Fuller Re: Editing /usr/include/*.h? 9. May 5 leafy Re: Editing /usr/include/*.h? 10. May 5 Julian Elischer Re: Editing /usr/include/*.h? 11. May 6 leafy Re: Editing /usr/include/*.h? 12. May 2 Thierry DELHAISE Enumerating devices and hardware conf from userland 13. May 2 Cyrille Lefevre Re: Enumerating devices and hardware conf from userland 14. May 6 elmar gerdes find symbols in loadable kernel module 15. May 8 Xin LI FreeBSD cvs repo archive? 16. May 8 <soralx@cydem.org> Re: FreeBSD cvs repo archive? 17. May 8 Brian O'Shea Re: FreeBSD cvs repo archive? 18. May 8 Peter Jeremy Re: FreeBSD cvs repo archive? 19. May 6 Artis Caune ioctl 20. May 6 John Baldwin Re: ioctl
21. May 6 Stephan Uphoff Re: ioctl 22. May 5 Rita Lin Is it possible to lose a xfer request queued using usbd_transfer()? 23. May 5 Rita Lin Re: Is it possible to lose a xfer request queued using usbd_transfer()? 24. May 3 John Baldwin Re: Is this LOST?? 25. May 3 Deng XueFeng Re: Is this LOST?? 26. May 3 John-Mark Gurney Re: Is this LOST?? 27. May 3 Kris Kennaway Re: Is this LOST?? 28. May 4 =?iso-8859-1?q?Dag-Erling_ Re: Is this LOST?? 29. May 5 Matt Emmerton Re: Is this LOST?? 30. May 3 John Uhlig Re: kmem_malloc crashes running FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p5 31. May 3 Kris Kennaway Re: kmem_malloc crashes running FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p5 32. May 6 Stefan Bethke Re: kmem_malloc crashes running FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p5 33. May 7 Steven Hartland make release on 5.1 of 5.2.1 fails with "Bad system call (core dumped)" 34. May 7 Steven Hartland Re: make release on 5.1 of 5.2.1 fails with "Bad system call (coredumped)" 35. May 3 Robin Breathe Re: netgraph arp issues vs linux veth 36. May 4 Baldur Gislason Scanning for printers on remote host 37. May 4 Cole SIG_IGN 38. May 5 Mark Wolgemuth Re: SIG_IGN 39. May 2 Murray Taylor Re: Squid, SquidGuard, FreeBSD 40. May 2 Rita Lin USB device driver question: timeout() and usbd_do_request()
41. May 3 Bernd Walter Re: USB device driver question: timeout() and usbd_do_request() 42. May 3 Rita Lin Re: USB device driver question: timeout() and usbd_do_request() 43. May 3 Bernd Walter Re: USB device driver question: timeout() and usbd_do_request() 44. May 3 Rita Lin Re: USB device driver question: timeout() and usbd_do_request() 45. May 3 Bernd Walter Re: USB device driver question: timeout() and usbd_do_request() 46. May 3 Rita Lin Re: USB device driver question: timeout() and usbd_do_request() 47. May 3 Bernd Walter Re: USB device driver question: timeout() and usbd_do_request() 48. May 3 Wes Peters Re: Vendors of multi-port PCI ethernet cards? 49. May 3 Wes Peters Re: Vendors of multi-port PCI ethernet cards? 50. May 4 Guy Helmer RE: Vendors of multi-port PCI ethernet cards?
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