Messages: 6, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:13:53 UTC 2023
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1. Sep 13 Mme Claire Page Ramadan heureux mon cher 2. Sep 16 David Wolfskill Seeking list of "commercial companies that still have large scale FreeBSD deployme 3. Sep 16 Jared Barneck Re: Seeking list of "commercial companies that still have large scale FreeBSD depl 4. Sep 16 Jared Barneck Re: Seeking list of "commercial companies that still have large scale FreeBSD depl 5. Sep 16 David Wolfskill Re: Seeking list of "commercial companies that still have large scale FreeBSD depl 6. Sep 17 Vadim Goncharov Re: Seeking list of "commercial companies that still have large scale FreeBSD depl
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