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Date:      Sun, 18 Mar 2001 19:55:04 -0600
From:      Lute Mullenix <>
Subject:   Just getting started
Message-ID:  <>

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I'm just getting started with FreeBSD, so am going to have a bunch of
questions in the near future. I have just installed FreeBSD 4.1.1 on my 486
test machine, and so far, so good.

The installation was done from a CD that my brother sent me, and I plan on
ordering a CD of 4.2 in the next couple of days. The first things that I
will be wanting to get done are, learning how to install apps that I didn't
get installed with the system, (off the CD, and online) getting the system
configured to go online (e-mail, and web browsing), and getting my printer
to work.

I do have a couple of questions to start off with though. First on boot up I
get a message about boot sector write, possible virus. This being a fresh
install off the CD I figure there isn't a virus, so I just tell it to
continue. How can I make it stop giving me this warning? Second, the install
hangs for a long time when it gets to the part of:

starting standard daemons: inetd cron sendmail

Is that normal?

I'm currently running Linux, so am hoping that the switch to FreeBSD will
not be too big of a pain. I am not going to get too involved with this
install, want to wait till I get the 4.2 CD. 

After checking out the web site a few times, I don't see any reason why
FreeBSD can't be used as my only OS, it seems to have all the ports that are
needed to have a completely functioning system, and that is what I hope to
accomplish. I do have one hang-up though, it must be all native FreeBSD code
apps. No Linux binarys. Don't foresee a problem there though since in going
through the web site, it seems my most used stuff has been ported, the
exception being Netscape. Don't really like Mozilla at this point, but may
have to learn to live with it.

Well that's sort of an intro as to what I aim to get done, hope to have a
long and happy future with FreeBSD.
     Hey! It happens. Well it does...

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