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Date:      Sat, 9 May 1998 01:16:30 -0400 (EDT)
From:      Dan Janowski <>
To:        Daryn Kiely <>
Cc:        "'freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG'" <freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: Coding question
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>

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Brain rusty, didn't read your code, read uipc_socket.c:

It seems that a write to a socket with the remote
end closed will generate a SIGPIPE. Did you
run this thing with gdb? It will tell you about
signals that your program doesn't catch.


On Thu, 7 May 1998, Daryn Kiely wrote:

> Hi there,
> 	I am currently working on a sockets program (using TCP connections) which 
> has both a client and server.  I am finding that when the server closes the 
> connection and a client attempts to do a write() the program is exiting 
> (never returns from the write).  Now I was actually expecting the client 
> process to receive a -1 when attempting to write to a closed socket.  Has 
> anyone else experienced this problem, or does anyone have any suggestions 
> as to how I can get around it?
> 	TIA
> 		Daryn
> ----------------- Code snippets --------------------------
> void RunProcess()
> {
>         int fdServer, iNumChars, iStatus, iLength;
>         char temp[1000], *pOutput;
>         int iReturnValue;
>         signal(SIGINT,SignalHandler);
>         while (!g_iDone) {
> /* must read the server name and socket name from config file */
>                 fdServer = ConnectToServer("daryn","smtp");
>                 if (fdServer < 0) { /* Failed to connect to the server */
>                         LogPrintf(SEV_FAIL,"<send_mdt_message> Failed 
> connecting to server [%d]\n",errno);
>                         sleep(10);
> /* Make this sleep configurable */
>                         continue;
>                 }
>                 g_iConnected = 1;
>                 while (g_iConnected && !g_iDone) {
> 		iNumChars = ReadFromSocket(fdServer,temp,1000, 10);
> 		temp[iNumChars] = '\0';
> 		LogPrintf(SEV_DEBUG,"%s\n",temp);
>                         pOutput = BuildPacket(&iLength);
>                         if (WriteToSocket(fdServer,pOutput,iLength) != 
> iLength) {
>                                 LogPrintf(SEV_WARN,"Failed writing to 
> socket, attempting to reconnect [%d]\n",errno);
>                                 g_iConnected = 0;
>                         }
>                 }
>                 CloseSocket(fdServer);
> 	}
> }
> size_t  WriteToSocket(int fdSocket, const void *buffer, size_t iLength)
> {
>         int iReturnValue;
> fprintf(stderr,"5.0\n");
>         iReturnValue = write(fdSocket, buffer,iLength);
> fprintf(stderr,"5.1, return value = [%d]\n", iReturnValue);
>         return(iReturnValue);
> }
> I see the 5.0 line of output but never see the "5.1".
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Dan Janowski
Triskelion Systems, Inc.
Bronx, NY

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