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Date:      Thu, 08 Feb 2001 10:22:17 -0800
From:      David Johnson <>
To:        Nik Clayton <>
Subject:   Re: Switching from Linux
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Nik Clayton wrote:
> I would be over the moon if someone who knows a Linux distribution would
> make a start on this.  Any takers?

I've thought about this, but I don't think I'd be good at it. I use
FreeBSD as a desktop machine and development platform, but I've never
use it as a server of any kind. So if I wrote any comparisons between
FreeBSD and Linux, I would be ignoring its strengths (server), saying
there's no difference between the two (development), then pointing out
all the annoying quirks (desktop).

Also, since all Linuces are installed and maintained differently from
each other, it would be hard to compare a single FreeBSD versus the
whole Linux family. And I suspect that you would want more than just a
comparison between FreeBSD and the Linux kernel with GNU environment.
Comparing it with Redhat or Suse, FreeBSD would win hands down. But
comparing it to Slackware or Debian would result in a much closer race.


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