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Date:      Wed, 14 Jul 1999 22:42:25 +0100
From:      Nik Clayton <>
Subject:   New info about translations / example of DocBook FAQ markup
Message-ID:  <>

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Give it 24 hours or so for the web site to update, and there will be a
new chapter in the FDP Primer (.../tutorials/docproj-primer/) which is 
a FAQ explaining how to start translating the FreeBSD documentation.

Comments from the various members of the documentation team would be

In addition, if you look at the source, which is at


in the CVS tree, you'll see a reasonable example of how you should use
DocBook to mark up a FAQ.  The FAQ team might want to take a look at
this to get ideas for how the FAQ itself will be converted from 
LinuxDoc to DocBook.

 [intentional self-reference] can be easily accommodated using a blessed,
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