Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 14:05:35 -0700 From: steve@Watt.COM (Steve Watt) To: Subject: Re: SOLVED: Neither aterm, eterm, nor rxvt can su to root in 4.3 Message-ID: <200104072105.f37L5Zp65494@wattres.Watt.COM> In-Reply-To: Larry Librettez <> "Re: SOLVED: Neither aterm, eterm, nor rxvt can su to root in 4.3" (Apr 7, 13:54)
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Maybe you can isolate it a little bit: Do an 'stty erase2 ^H', and then start up an rxvt/eterm/aterm/et al from that same session. See if it inherits the correct erase2 character, or if it resets it to ')'. That way you'll get some hints about where the control characters are getting clobbered. If it *does* get the correct erase2 setting, your problem may be in the X startup scripts, or your .login/.profile. On Apr 7, 13:54, Larry Librettez wrote: } Subject: Re: SOLVED: Neither aterm, eterm, nor rxvt can su to root in 4.3 } I also see the problem occuring in a fresh install of } 4.3RC2 off the cdrom, as well as 5.0-CURRENT, after } installing rxvt from ports in both cases. } } Perhaps there are build options in rxvt which would } help circumvent this? Or perhaps not . . . } } Larry } } } --- Daniel O'Connor <> wrote: } > } > On 06-Apr-2001 Steve Watt wrote: } > > >I have a fresh install of 4.3 here which exhibits } > the same problem. What } > > >version of X are you using? } > > >(both xterm and eterm exhibit it) } > > Make sure you've rebuilt rxvt/xterm/whatever; I } > saw this once (on } > > another OS) when the tty headers changed a wee } > tad. A quick glance } > > at the recent commits doesn't tell *me* anything } > that might have hit } > > here, but one can never be 100% certain... } > } > I don't think this is the case.. } > I am seeing this problem after installing FreeBSD } > 4.3 and then building } > everything on this machine (ie rxvt, xterm etc). } > } > --- } > Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer } > for Genesis Software - } > "The nice thing about standards is that there } > are so many of them to choose from." } > -- Andrew Tanenbaum } > } > To Unsubscribe: send mail to } > with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the } message } } } __________________________________________________ } Do You Yahoo!? } Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. } }-- End of excerpt from Larry Librettez -- Steve Watt KD6GGD PP-ASEL-IA ICBM: 121W 56' 57.8" / 37N 20' 14.9" Internet: steve @ Watt.COM Whois: SW32 Free time? There's no such thing. It just comes in varying prices... To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message
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