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Date:      Fri, 28 Dec 2001 12:30:18 -0500
From:      leegold <>
Subject:   ppp.conf
Message-ID:  <>

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I only see a ppp.conf sample file. I do not see a ppp.options

I thought ppp.options was used for kernel ppp
when not using pap/chap.

I am confused since I see about 10 different
ways and scripts for ppp. I have not found one
cogent explanantion in any freebsd document.
For example the handbook say something about 
kernel ppp for a cisco hub(?)

I want to connect to my ISP THAT"S ALL.
And it's bewildering. FreeBSD is not easy
for someone with average intelligence like me.

YEs, I will keep hacking until I can connect,
I will keep hacking untill I can get an X windows
where I can be even remotely as productive as the GUI
on win2k. It's all a hack - I still can't find step by step
documention with technical side bars.

I rarely get anything out of man pages. They seem like
they are written in another language not english.

Another eg. I try blackbox wm, I get a pitchblack screen
and a staic task bar of some kind. No usability. I try
gwm, I get a real color fest here again I'll spend weeks
hacking it until I get productive. Fonts? I got all the fonts
again, at least a day figuring the fonts.

ppp-on, ppp-off, what's ppp.conf.sample? Print it out and spend
a couple hrs figuring it out - is there a doc. that will take me thru
it line by line? Wwould be a real help for people of average intelligence.

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