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Date:      Tue, 10 Jul 2001 15:31:31 -0700
From:      David Johnson <>
To:        Julian Peterson <>
Cc:        newbies <>
Subject:   Re: ammo to take to the boss...
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <> <> <01071109301300.08546@wallace>

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Julian Peterson wrote:

> Sure it's a real world web server. Yes it does only serve static pages...
> it passes off dynamic content off to Apache.  But usually there is large
> amount of static content on a web site (images count in there too).
> Remember that the webspec results are calculated on a mix of dynamic and
> static content. (see here for exactly
> what).

From the TUX manual: "Summary of System Requirements ... Alternate web
server such as Apache running on the same server to process unknown
requests". It's like saying AbiWord is a full office suite, just add
Gnumeric, etc! What TUX does, it does well. But until it doesn't need
Apache in order to do "real world" work, I can't consider it a "real
world" webserver.

I especially find disingenuous that the SPECweb results show "HTTP
Software - TUX 2.0" with no indication that Apache was used. Let's see
TUX beat Apache without the help of Apache!


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