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Date:      Sun, 30 Dec 2001 23:12:50 -0500
From:      "MikeM" <>
To:        "ecflynn" <>,
Subject:   Re: linux to bsd
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <000801c191a5$d79b11e0$4870f7a5@SONYVAIO>
References:  <000801c191a5$d79b11e0$4870f7a5@SONYVAIO>

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On 12/30/2001 at 9:49 PM ecflynn wrote:

|from what i hear bsd is light years ahead of linux and bsd also has alot
|more to offer in terms of applications and such.  Is this true and is
|everything virtually the same as linux and everything i have for linux
|will it run on bsd?  I don't mind changes here an there but will it be
|like switching from windows to linux for the first time in a sense or no?

I've played with OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Red Hat Linux and Mandrake Linux.   So=
 far, I like Mandrake better than Red Hat Linux.  Why?  Well, for starters,=
 RH Linux still uses sendmail as the default MTA, Mandrake uses Postfix -=
 an excellent MTA.   Secondly, the Mandrake install is much, much better.

My firewall is OpenBSD, for security reasons (after all, it *is* a=

My web server is FreeBSD because FreeBSD seems to have more third-party=
 support than OpenBSD.  FreeBSD is rather impressive in its=
 accomplishments, and thought of design.

Yes, I have found that the BSD's are ahead of the Linux's.    However,=
 keeping everything in perspective, the Linux's and the BSD's are=
 light-years ahead of anything out of Redmond....

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