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Date:      Sat, 19 Aug 2000 18:54:10 +1000
From:      Jonathan Michaels <>
Subject:   setting up to produce documentation
Message-ID:  <>

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i'm getting to a stage where i might be considering doing some
writing .. i'm hoping to find a tolerant soul out their (i have
dyslexia and significantly impeared learning faculties) but in
an earlier life i was a tolerably good systems analyst and
business consultant making a fair to goodly living from my
meager skills.

i understand how freebsd works, but i'll be damned if i can
work out out to construct the machine that will produce printed
documentation. currently i have several printers, a fujitsu dl
2400 (no single sheet feeder, they are still available i think,
maybe one day). and a gothic styled epson epj-200 (not sure
about the alpha part of the designation, it is a ???-200, i
will handle multiple sheets (a3 and a4, installed) does only
black ink and has 500 kb inboard memory, it screws up the print
(stop's where the page ran out of memory and form feed to the
same place on the following page and continues where it left
off, weird) it can pretend to be a HP lazerjet II, or an apple
laserjet IIplus .. not sure about postscript)

the epson has passible letter quality for a ink-jet while the
fujitsu will make 5 copies (multiple carbons) as good as some
of the old daisy wheels we used to use for executive letter
head at the last contract i had. but, this requires bit mapped
images to be sent to the printer, or to access the inboard
fonts (will do double high and double wide as well as the
standard stuff and courier and times roman and some other fancy
stuff that was really fancy for a 24 pin dot-matrix at the time.

sorry, i get carried away when i brag about my old fujitsu, its
almost as good as a real printer and definitely better than most
of those toy "laser-jet-alike" printers pretending to be 2400 dpi
typographic machines.

anyway, looking forward to you replies off list, please. i've
tried to set this up several times and only manage to get
frustrated and even more confused. i'm not use what software is
required and more confused about what order things need to be
done in and how to process to finished product.  

with regards and appreciation for your help.

jonathan l


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