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Date:      Sat, 13 Dec 2008 05:39:55 GMT
From:      Gabor Pali <>
To:        Perforce Change Reviews <>
Subject:   PERFORCE change 154577 for review
Message-ID:  <>

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Change 154577 by pgj@kolbasz on 2008/12/13 05:39:15

	Add Hungarian translation of chapter "Translations" from FDP

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/docproj_hu/doc/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/books/fdp-primer/translations/chapter.sgml#2 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/docproj_hu/doc/hu_HU.ISO8859-2/books/fdp-primer/translations/chapter.sgml#2 (text+ko) ====

@@ -31,224 +31,310 @@
 <!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <>
      %SOURCE%  en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/translations/chapter.sgml
      %SRCID%   1.31
 <chapter id="translations" lang="hu">
-  <title>Translations</title>
+  <title>Ford&iacute;t&aacute;sok</title>
+  <para>Ebben a fejezetben gyakran ism&eacute;telt
+    k&eacute;rd&eacute;sek &eacute;s v&aacute;laszok
+    form&aacute;j&aacute;ban pr&oacute;b&aacute;lunk
+    seg&iacute;ts&eacute;get ny&uacute;jtani a &os;
+    dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;j&aacute;nak (a k&eacute;zik&ouml;nyv, a
+    GYIK, k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245; le&iacute;r&aacute;sok, man
+    oldalak &eacute;s egyebek) k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245; nyelvekre
+    ford&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ban.</para>
-  <para>This is the FAQ for people translating the FreeBSD documentation
-    (FAQ, Handbook, tutorials, manual pages, and others) to different
-    languages.</para>
-  <para>It is <emphasis>very</emphasis> heavily based on the translation FAQ
-    from the FreeBSD German Documentation Project, originally written by Frank
-    Gr&uuml;nder <email></email> and translated back to
-    English by Bernd Warken <email></email>.</para>
+  <para>Az itt szerepl&#245; bejegyz&eacute;sek
+    <emphasis>nagyr&eacute;szt</emphasis> az eredetileg Frank Gr&uuml;nder
+    (<email></email>) &aacute;ltal a
+    N&eacute;met &os; Dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;s Projekt
+    sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra &ouml;ssze&aacute;ll&iacute;tott GYIK
+    tartalm&aacute;n alapszanak, amelyet Bernd Warken
+    (<email></email>) ford&iacute;tott k&eacute;s&#245;bb
+    angolra.</para>
-  <para>The FAQ is maintained by the &a.doceng;.</para>
+  <para>A bejegyz&eacute;seket jelenleg a &a.doceng; tartja
+    karban.</para>
-	<para>Why a FAQ?</para>
+	<para>Miért éppen GYIK?</para>
-	<para>More and more people are approaching the freebsd-doc mailing
-	  list and volunteering to translate FreeBSD documentation to other
-	  languages. This FAQ aims to answer their questions so they can start
-	  translating documentation as quickly as possible.</para>
+	<para>A &; levelez&eacute;si list&aacute;n egyre
+	  t&ouml;bben &eacute;s t&ouml;bben jelzik, hogy
+	  szeretn&eacute;k leford&iacute;tani a &os;
+	  dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;j&aacute;t
+	  k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245; idegennyelvekre.  Az itt
+	  &ouml;sszegy&#251;jt&ouml;tt k&eacute;rd&eacute;sekben
+	  ez&eacute;rt most igyeksz&uuml;nk megv&aacute;laszolni az
+	  ilyenkor &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban el&#245;ker&uuml;l&#245;
+	  probl&eacute;m&aacute;kat, hogy min&eacute;l gyorsabban el
+	  tudj&aacute;k kezdeni a munk&aacute;t.</para>
-	<para>What do <phrase>i18n</phrase> and <phrase>l10n</phrase>
-	  mean?</para>
+	<para>Mit az az <phrase>i18n</phrase> &eacute;s
+	  <phrase>l10n</phrase>?</para>
-	<para><phrase>i18n</phrase> means
-	  <phrase>internationalization</phrase> and <phrase>l10n</phrase>
-	  means <phrase>localization</phrase>. They are just a convenient
-	  shorthand.</para>
+	<para>Az <phrase>i18n</phrase> jelent&eacute;se
+	  <phrase>internationalization</phrase>
+	  (idegennyelv&#251;s&eacute;g), az <phrase>l10n</phrase>
+	  jelent&eacute;se pedig <phrase>localization</phrase>
+	  (honos&iacute;t&aacute;s).  Ezeket
+	  egyszer&#251;s&iacute;tett&eacute;k le &eacute;s
+	  r&ouml;vid&iacute;tett&eacute;k.</para>
-	<para><phrase>i18n</phrase> can be read as <quote>i</quote> followed by
-	  18 letters, followed by <quote>n</quote>. Similarly,
-	  <phrase>l10n</phrase> is <quote>l</quote> followed by 10 letters,
-	  followed by <quote>n</quote>.</para>
+	<para>Az <phrase>i18n</phrase> &uacute;gy
+	  &eacute;rtelmezhet&#245;, hogy el&#245;sz&ouml;r egy
+	  <quote>i</quote>, majd 18 bet&#251;, azt&aacute;n egy
+	  <quote>n</quote>.  Ehhez hasonl&oacute;an, az
+	  <phrase>l10n</phrase> egy <quote>l</quote>, amelyet 10
+	  bet&#251; k&ouml;vet &eacute;s egy <quote>n</quote>
+	  z&aacute;r.</para>
-	<para>Is there a mailing list for translators?</para>
+	<para>Van k&uuml;l&ouml;n levelez&eacute;si lista a
+	  ford&iacute;t&oacute;k sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra is?</para>
-	<para>Yes.  Different translation groups have their own mailing
-          lists.  The <ulink url="">list
-            of translation projects</ulink> has more information about the
-          mailing lists and web sites run by each translation project.</para>
+	<para>Igen.  Az egyes ford&iacute;t&oacute;i csapatoknak
+	  t&ouml;bbnyire van saj&aacute;t &ouml;n&aacute;ll&oacute;
+	  levelez&eacute;si list&aacute;juk.  Ezzel, illetve a csapatok
+	  &aacute;ltal m&#251;k&ouml;dtetett webhelyekkel kapcsolatban
+	  <ulink
+	    url="">a
+	    ford&iacute;t&oacute;i projektekkel</ulink>
+	  foglalkoz&oacute; oldalon tal&aacute;lhatunk b&#245;vebb
+	  inform&aacute;ci&oacute;kat.</para>
-	<para>Are more translators needed?</para>
+	<para>Sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g van m&eacute;g
+	  ford&iacute;t&oacute;kra?</para>
-	<para>Yes. The more people work on translation the faster it gets
-	  done, and the faster changes to the English documentation are
-	  mirrored in the translated documents.</para>
+	<para>Igen.  Min&eacute;l t&ouml;bben dolgoznak egy
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;son, ann&aacute;l gyorsabban
+	  k&eacute;sz&uuml;l el, illetve ann&aacute;l gyorsabban
+	  friss&uuml;l az eredeti angol dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;
+	  v&aacute;ltoz&aacute;sai szerint.</para>
-	<para>You do not have to be a professional translator to be able to
-	  help.</para>
+	<para>Nem kell k&eacute;pzett szakford&iacute;t&oacute;nak lenni
+	  ahhoz, hogy seg&iacute;teni tudjunk.</para>
-	<para>What languages do I need to know?</para>
+	<para>Milyen nyelveket kell ismerni?</para>
-	<para>Ideally, you will have a good knowledge of written English, and
-	  obviously you will need to be fluent in the language you are
-	  translating to.</para>
+	<para>Nem &aacute;rt j&oacute;l ismern&uuml;nk az &iacute;rott
+	  angolt &eacute;s &eacute;rtelemszer&#251;en foly&eacute;konyan
+	  besz&eacute;lni a ford&iacute;t&aacute;s
+	  c&eacute;lnyelv&eacute;t.</para>
-	<para>English is not strictly necessary. For example, you could do a
-	  Hungarian translation of the FAQ from the Spanish
-	  translation.</para>
+	<para>Az angol nyelv ismerete egy&eacute;bk&eacute;nt nem
+	  k&ouml;telez&#245;.  P&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a GYIK spanyol
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;t
+	  elk&eacute;sz&iacute;thetj&uuml;k a magyar v&aacute;ltozat
+	  alapj&aacute;n is.</para>
-	<para>What software do I need to know?</para>
+	<para>Milyen szoftvereket kell ismerni?</para>
-	<para>It is strongly recommended that you maintain a local copy of the
-	  FreeBSD CVS repository (at least the documentation part) either
-	  using <application>CTM</application> or
-	  <application>CVSup</application>. The "Staying current with FreeBSD"
-	  chapter in the Handbook explains how to use these
-	  applications.</para>
+	<para>Mindenk&eacute;ppen javasoljuk, hogy hozzunk l&eacute;tre
+	  magunknak egy helyi m&aacute;solatot a &os;
+	  repositoryj&aacute;r&oacute;l (legal&aacute;bb a
+	  dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;r&oacute;l) a
+	  <application>CTM</application> vagy a
+	  <application>CVSup</application>
+	  seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel.  Az eml&iacute;tett
+	  alkalmaz&aacute;sok haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;r&oacute;l a &os;
+	  k&eacute;zik&ouml;nyv <ulink
+	    url="&url.books.handbook;/synching.html">A forr&aacute;s
+	    szinkroniz&aacute;l&aacute;sa</ulink> c&iacute;m&#251;
+	  szakasz&aacute;ban olvashatunk r&eacute;szletesebben.</para>
-	<para>You should be comfortable using <application>CVS</application>.
-	  This will allow you to see what has changed between different
-	  versions of the files that make up the documentation.</para>
-	<para>[XXX To Do -- write a tutorial that shows how to use CVSup to
-	  get just the documentation, check it out, and see what has changed
-	  between two arbitrary revisions]</para>
+	<para>Hasznos, ha j&aacute;ratosak vagyunk a
+	  <application>CVS</application> haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;ban.
+	  Seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel meg tudjuk n&eacute;zni,
+	  hogy mi v&aacute;ltozott a k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245;
+	  rev&iacute;zi&oacute;kban, &iacute;gy mindig csak a
+	  v&aacute;ltoz&aacute;sok leford&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;val
+	  karban tudjuk tartani a leford&iacute;tott
+	  dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;kat.</para>
-	<para>How do I find out who else might be translating to the same
-	  language?</para>
+	<para>Honnan lehet kider&iacute;teni, hogy esetleg valaki
+	  m&aacute;s m&aacute;r dolgozik ugyanazon nyelv
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;n?</para>
-	<para>The <ulink
-	    url="">Documentation
-	    Project translations page</ulink> lists the translation efforts
-	  that are currently known about. If others are already working
-	  on translating documentation to your language, please do not
-	  duplicate their efforts. Instead, contact them to see how you can
-	  help.</para>
+	<para>A <ulink
+	    url="">Dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;s
+	    Projekt ford&iacute;t&aacute;sokkal foglalkoz&oacute;
+	    oldal&aacute;n</ulink> megtal&aacute;lhatjuk a jelenleg
+	  ismert &ouml;sszes ford&iacute;t&aacute;st.  Ha valaki vagy
+	  valakik m&aacute;r dolgoznak ford&iacute;t&aacute;son a
+	  kiv&aacute;lasztott nyelvhez, akkor ink&aacute;bb vegy&uuml;k
+	  fel vel&uuml;k a kapcsolatot, hogy ne dolgozzon senki sem
+	  feleslegesen.</para>
-	<para>If no one is listed on that page as translating for your
-	  language, then send a message to the &a.doc; in case someone else
-	  is thinking of doing a translation, but has not announced it yet.
-	  </para>
+	<para>Att&oacute;l f&uuml;ggetlen&uuml;l, hogy az
+	  eml&iacute;tett oldal szerint senki sem foglalkozik az adott
+	  nyelvre ford&iacute;t&aacute;ssal, a biztons&aacute;g
+	  kedv&eacute;&eacute;rt k&uuml;ldj&uuml;nk m&eacute;g egy
+	  levelet a &a.doc; c&iacute;m&eacute;re.  El&#245;fordulhat
+	  ugyanis, hogy hozz&aacute;nk hasonl&oacute;an valaki
+	  szint&eacute;n szeretne ford&iacute;tani, de hivatalosan
+	  m&eacute;g nem jelentette be.</para>
-	<para>No one else is translating to my language.  What do I do?</para>
+	<para>Senki sem ford&iacute;t a kiv&aacute;lasztott nyelvre.  Mi
+	  a teend&#245;?</para>
-	<para>Congratulations, you have just started the <quote>FreeBSD
-	  <replaceable>your-language-here</replaceable> Documentation
-          Translation Project</quote>. Welcome aboard.</para>
+	<para>Nos, ebben az esetben gratul&aacute;lunk, mi&eacute;nk a
+	  <quote><replaceable>Nyelv</replaceable> &os;
+	  Dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;s Projekt</quote>!  Isten hozott a
+	  fed&eacute;lzeten!</para>
+	<para>Els&#245;k&eacute;nt alaposan fontoljuk meg, hogy
+	  val&oacute;ban hajland&oacute;ak vagyunk kell&#245; id&#245;t
+	  szentelni r&aacute;.  Mivel jelen pillanatban egyed&uuml;l
+	  csak mi foglalkozunk az adott nyelvi
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;ssal, nek&uuml;nk magunknak kell
+	  k&eacute;pviseln&uuml;nk &eacute;s
+	  n&eacute;pszer&#251;s&iacute;ten&uuml;nk a munk&aacute;nkat,
+	  illetve ir&aacute;ny&iacute;tani a k&eacute;s&#245;bb
+	  csatlakozni k&iacute;v&aacute;n&oacute; &ouml;nk&eacute;ntesek
+	  munk&aacute;j&aacute;t.</para>
-	<para>First, decide whether or not you have got the time to spare. Since
-	  you are the only person working on your language at the moment it is
-	  going to be your responsibility to publicize your work and
-	  coordinate any volunteers that might want to help you.</para>
+	<para>&Iacute;rjunk egy levelet a &os;
+	  Dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;s Projekt levelez&eacute;si
+	  list&aacute;j&aacute;ra, amelyben bejelentj&uuml;k, hogy
+	  nekikezd&uuml;nk ford&iacute;tani az adott nyelvre,
+	  ez&aacute;ltal felker&uuml;l az el&#245;bb eml&iacute;tett
+	  honlapra.</para>
-	<para>Write an email to the Documentation Project mailing list,
-	  announcing that you are going to translate the documentation, so the
-	  Documentation Project translations page can be maintained.</para>
+	<para>Ha az adott nyelvhez tartoz&oacute; orsz&aacute;gban van a
+	  &os; Projektnek valamilyen t&uuml;kr&ouml;z&eacute;se, akkor
+	  &eacute;rdemes kapcsolatba l&eacute;pn&uuml;nk az
+	  &uuml;zemeltet&#245;it&#245;l &eacute;s k&eacute;rni a
+	  munk&aacute;nkhoz n&eacute;mi t&aacute;rhelyet, esetleg a
+	  levelez&eacute;s t&aacute;mogat&aacute;s&aacute;t vagy
+	  saj&aacute;t egy levelez&eacute;si list&aacute;t.</para>
-	<para>If there is already someone in your country providing FreeBSD
-	  mirroring services you should contact them and ask if you can
-	  have some webspace for your project, and possibly an email
-	  address or mailing list services.</para>
-	<para>Then pick a document and start translating. It is best to start
-	  with something fairly small&mdash;either the FAQ, or one of the
-	  tutorials.</para>
+	<para>V&aacute;lasszunk egy dokumentumot &eacute;s kezdj&uuml;k
+	  el ford&iacute;tani.  &Eacute;rdemes valamelyik r&ouml;videbb
+	  r&eacute;sszel kezdeni, p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a GYIK-kal vagy
+	  valamelyik le&iacute;r&aacute;ssal.</para>
-	<para>I have translated some documentation, where do I send it?</para>
+	<para>Hova lehet k&uuml;ldeni ford&iacute;t&aacute;sokat?</para>
-	<para>That depends. If you are already working with a translation team
-	  (such as the Japanese team, or the German team) then they will have
-	  their own procedures for handling submitted documentation, and these
-	  will be outlined on their web pages.</para>
+	<para>Ez v&aacute;ltoz&oacute;.  Ha m&aacute;r az adott nyelven
+	  dolgozik egy ford&iacute;t&oacute;csapat (p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul
+	  a magyar vagy a n&eacute;met), akkor a saj&aacute;t
+	  honlapjukon val&oacute;sz&iacute;n&#251;leg megadj&aacute;k
+	  hogyan kezelik &eacute;s hogy lehet hozz&aacute;juk eljuttatni
+	  a ford&iacute;t&aacute;sokat.</para>
-	<para>If you are the only person working on a particular language (or
-	  you are responsible for a translation project and want to submit
-	  your changes back to the FreeBSD project) then you should send your
-	  translation to the FreeBSD project (see the next question).</para>
+	<para>Amennyiben viszont m&eacute;g csak egyed&uuml;l dolgozunk
+	  az &eacute;rintett nyelven (vagy a
+	  ford&iacute;t&oacute;csapatunk k&eacute;pviselet&eacute;ben
+	  szeretn&eacute;nk eljuttatni a munk&aacute;nkat a &os;
+	  Projektnek), akkor &eacute;rdemes k&ouml;zvetlen&uuml;l a &os;
+	  Projektnek k&uuml;ldeni a ford&iacute;t&aacute;sainkat
+	  (l&aacute;sd a k&ouml;vetkez&#245;
+	  k&eacute;rd&eacute;st).</para>
-	<para>I am the only person working on translating to this language, how
-	  do I submit my translation?</para>
+	<para>Hova lehet bek&uuml;ldeni a ford&iacute;t&aacute;sokat, ha
+	  senki m&aacute;s nem dolgozik m&eacute;g
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;son az adott nyelvhez?</para>
-	<para>or</para>
+	<para>avagy:</para>
-	<para>We are a translation team, and want to submit documentation that
-	  our members have translated for us?</para>
+	<para>A ford&iacute;t&oacute;csapatok hova tudj&aacute;k
+	  k&uuml;ldeni a tagjaik &aacute;ltal k&eacute;sz&iacute;tett
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;sokat?</para>
-	<para>First, make sure your translation is organized properly. This
-	  means that it should drop into the existing documentation tree and
-	  build straight away.</para>
+	<para>El&#245;sz&ouml;r is az elk&eacute;sz&uuml;lt
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;sokat a megfelel&#245; form&aacute;ra kell
+	  hoznunk.  Ez nagyj&aacute;b&oacute;l azt jelenti, hogy
+	  tegy&uuml;k a m&aacute;r meglev&#245;
+	  dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;k k&ouml;z&eacute; &eacute;s
+	  pr&oacute;b&aacute;ljuk meg el&#245;&aacute;ll&iacute;tani
+	  bel&#245;le a k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245;
+	  form&aacute;tumokat.</para>
-	<para>Currently, the FreeBSD documentation is stored in a top level
-	  directory called <filename>doc/</filename>. Directories below this
-	  are named according to the language code they are written in, as
-	  defined in ISO639 (<filename>/usr/share/misc/iso639</filename> on a
-	  version of FreeBSD newer than 20th January 1999).</para>
+	<para>A &os; dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;ja jelenleg a
+	  legfels&#245; szinten egy <filename
+	    class="directory">doc/</filename> k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rba
+	  szervez&#245;dik.  A benne tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;
+	  k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rakat az adott nyelvek ISO639
+	  szabv&aacute;ny&uacute; (a &os; 1999.  janu&aacute;r 20.
+	  ut&aacute;ni v&aacute;ltozataiban a
+	  <filename>/usr/share/misc/iso639</filename>
+	  &aacute;llom&aacute;nyban defini&aacute;lt) k&oacute;dja
+	  szerint nevezik el.</para>
-	<para>If your language can be encoded in different ways (for example,
-	  Chinese) then there should be directories below this, one for each
-	  encoding format you have provided.</para>
+	<para>Ha az adott nyelv t&ouml;bbf&eacute;le
+	  k&oacute;dol&aacute;ssal is rendelkezik (mint
+	  p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a k&iacute;nai), akkor ezen a szinten az
+	  egyes k&oacute;dol&aacute;sokhoz k&uuml;l&ouml;n
+	  k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rak fognak tartozni.</para>
-	<para>Finally, you should have directories for each document.</para>
+	<para>V&eacute;gezet&uuml;l az egyes dokumentumokat tegy&uuml;nk
+	  k&uuml;l&ouml;n k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rakba.</para>
-	<para>For example, a hypothetical Swedish translation might look
-	  like:</para>
+	<para>P&eacute;ld&aacute;ul egy k&eacute;pzeletbeli sv&eacute;d
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;s k&ouml;r&uuml;lbel&uuml;l &iacute;gy
+	  n&eacute;zne ki:</para>
@@ -258,192 +344,265 @@
-	<para><literal>sv_SE.ISO8859-1</literal> is the name of the
-	  translation, in
-	  <filename><replaceable>lang</replaceable>.<replaceable>encoding</replaceable></filename>
-	  form.  Note the
-	  two Makefiles, which will be used to build the documentation.</para>
+	<para>Az <literal>sv_SE.ISO8859-1</literal> a
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;s neve, amely teh&aacute;t a
+	  kor&aacute;bban t&aacute;rgyalt
+	  <filename><replaceable>nyelv</replaceable>.<replaceable>k&oacute;dol&aacute;s</replaceable></filename>
+	  alakban szerepel.  A dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;
+	  el&#245;&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;hoz
+	  elhelyezt&uuml;nk m&eacute;g benne k&eacute;t
+	  <filename>Makefile</filename> &aacute;llom&aacute;nyt
+	  is.</para>
-	<para>Use &man.tar.1; and &man.gzip.1; to compress up your
-	  documentation, and send it to the project.</para>
+	<para>A &man.tar.1; &eacute;s &man.gzip.1; programok
+	  seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel
+	  t&ouml;m&ouml;r&iacute;ts&uuml;k &ouml;ssze az &iacute;gy
+	  &ouml;sszek&eacute;sz&iacute;tett dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;t
+	  &eacute;s juttassuk el a Projekthez.</para>
 	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cd doc</userinput>
 &prompt.user; <userinput>tar cf swedish-docs.tar sv_SE.ISO8859-1</userinput>
 &prompt.user; <userinput>gzip -9 swedish-docs.tar</userinput></screen>
-	<para>Put <filename>swedish-docs.tar.gz</filename> somewhere.  If you
-	  do not have access to your own webspace (perhaps your ISP does not
-	  let you have any) then you can email &a.doceng;, and arrange to email
-	  the files when it is convenient.</para>
+	<para>Az &iacute;gy keletkez&#245;
+	  <filename>swedish-docs.tar.gz</filename> &aacute;llom&aacute;nyt
+	  t&ouml;lts&uuml;k fel valahova.  Ha nincs saj&aacute;t
+	  t&aacute;rhely&uuml;nk az interneten (mert
+	  p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a szolg&aacute;ltat&oacute;nk nem
+	  bocs&aacute;tott a rendelkez&eacute;s&uuml;nkre), akkor
+	  k&uuml;ldj&uuml;nk egy levelet a &a.doceng;
+	  c&iacute;m&eacute;re &eacute;s seg&iacute;tenek megszervezni
+	  az &aacute;llom&aacute;ny
+	  &aacute;tv&eacute;tel&eacute;t.</para>
-	<para>Either way, you should use &man.send-pr.1; to submit a report
-	  indicating that you have submitted the documentation. It would be
-	  very helpful if you could get other people to look over your
-	  translation and double check it first, since it is unlikely that the
-	  person committing it will be fluent in the language.</para>
+	<para>Ak&aacute;rmelyik megold&aacute;st is v&aacute;lasztjuk, a
+	  &man.send-pr.1; haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;val ne felejts&uuml;k el
+	  jelezni, hogy bek&uuml;ldt&uuml;k a ford&iacute;t&aacute;st.
+	  Mivel nem nagyon val&oacute;sz&iacute;n&#251;, hogy a
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;st t&eacute;nylegesen
+	  t&aacute;rol&oacute; szem&eacute;ly foly&eacute;konyan
+	  besz&eacute;ln&eacute; az adott nyelvet, ez&eacute;rt
+	  miel&#245;tt elk&uuml;ldj&uuml;k, &eacute;rdemes rendesen
+	  &aacute;tn&eacute;zetni a ford&iacute;t&aacute;sunkat.</para>
-	<para>Someone (probably the Documentation Project Manager, currently
-	  &a.doceng;) will then take your translation and confirm that it builds.
-	  In particular, the following things will be looked at:</para>
+	<para>Valaki (val&oacute;sz&iacute;n&#251;leg a
+	  Dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;s Projekt valamelyik vezet&#245;je, a
+	  &a.doceng; tagja) ezut&aacute;n ellen&#245;rzi, hogy
+	  bek&uuml;ld&ouml;tt ford&iacute;t&aacute;s nem tartalmaz
+	  semmilyen technikai hib&aacute;t.  K&uuml;l&ouml;n&ouml;sen a
+	  k&ouml;vetkez&#245;kre figyelnek ilyenkor:</para>
-	    <para>Do all your files use RCS strings (such as "ID")?</para>
+	    <para>Minden &aacute;llom&aacute;nyban megvan a
+	      verzi&oacute;kezel&eacute;shez sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ges
+	      azonos&iacute;t&oacute; (mint p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a
+	      Projekt eset&eacute;ben a <quote>FreeBSD</quote>)?</para>
-	    <para>Does <command>make all</command> in the
-	      <filename>sv_SE.ISO8859-1</filename> directory work correctly?</para>
+	    <para>Az <filename>sv_SE.ISO8859-1</filename>
+	      k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rban hibamentesen lefut a <command>make
+	      all</command> parancs?</para>
-	    <para>Does <command>make install</command> work correctly?</para>
+	    <para>A ford&iacute;t&aacute;ssal kieg&eacute;sz&iacute;tve
+	      a teljesen &os; dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;ra hibamentesen
+	      lefut a <command>make install</command> parancs?</para>
-        </orderedlist>
-	<para>If there are any problems then whoever is looking at the
-	  submission will get back to you to work them out.</para>
+	</orderedlist>
+	<para>Ak&aacute;rki is n&eacute;zi majd &aacute;t a
+	  bek&uuml;ld&ouml;tt ford&iacute;t&aacute;st, ha az el&#245;bb
+	  felsoroltak b&aacute;rmelyik&eacute;vel probl&eacute;ma akad,
+	  vissza fogj&aacute;k k&uuml;ldeni, hogy jav&iacute;tsuk
+	  ki.</para>
-	<para>If there are no problems your translation will be committed
-	  as soon as possible.</para>
+	<para>Ha viszont mindent rendben tal&aacute;lnak, akkor a
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;sunk hamarosan beker&uuml;l a &os;
+	  repositoryj&aacute;ba.</para>
-	<para>Can I include language or country specific text in my
-	  translation?</para>
+	<para>A ford&iacute;t&aacute;s tartalmazhat a nyelvre vagy
+	  orsz&aacute;gra vonatkoz&oacute; tov&aacute;bbi
+	  inform&aacute;ci&oacute;kat?</para>
-	<para>We would prefer that you did not.</para>
+	<para>Alapvet&#245;en ezt nem javasoljuk.</para>
-	<para>For example, suppose that you are translating the Handbook to
-	  Korean, and want to include a section about retailers in Korea in
-	  your Handbook.</para>
+	<para>P&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a k&eacute;zik&ouml;nyv koreai
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ban szeretn&eacute;nk
+	  hozz&aacute;adni egy szakaszt a Kore&aacute;ban
+	  tal&aacute;lhat&oacute; boltokr&oacute;l.</para>
-	<para>There is no real reason why that information should not be in the
-	  English (or German, or Spanish, or Japanese, or &hellip;) versions
-	  as well. It is feasible that an English speaker in Korea might try
-	  to pick up a copy of FreeBSD whilst over there. It also helps
-	  increase FreeBSD's perceived presence around the globe, which is not
-	  a bad thing.</para>
+	<para>Igaz&aacute;b&oacute;l nem l&aacute;tjuk indokoltnak, hogy
+	  ez az inform&aacute;ci&oacute; mi&eacute;rt ne lehetne
+	  r&eacute;sze az angol (vagy n&eacute;met, spanyol, magyar
+	  stb.) v&aacute;ltozatoknak.  K&ouml;nnyen el&#245;fordulhat
+	  ugyanis, hogy egy Kore&aacute;ban el&#245;, angol nyelvi
+	  besz&eacute;l&#245; szeretne a k&ouml;rny&eacute;ken keresni
+	  egy ilyen &uuml;zletet.  Mellesleg ezzel ink&aacute;bb jobban
+	  l&aacute;that&oacute;v&aacute; v&aacute;lik mindenki
+	  sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra, hogy a &os; a vil&aacute;g mennyi
+	  orsz&aacute;g&aacute;ban el&eacute;rhet&#245;.  Ez
+	  az&eacute;rt nem is olyan rossz.</para>
-	<para>If you have country specific information, please submit it as a
-	  change to the English Handbook (using &man.send-pr.1;) and then
-	  translate the change back to your language in the translated
-	  Handbook.</para>
+	<para>Ha teh&aacute;t valamilyen orsz&aacute;gf&uuml;gg&#245;
+	  inform&aacute;ci&oacute;t szeretn&eacute;nk betenni a
+	  dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;ba, akkor el&#245;sz&ouml;r
+	  k&uuml;ldj&uuml;nk r&oacute;la egy hibajelent&eacute;st (a
+	  &man.send-pr.1; seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel) a
+	  k&eacute;zik&ouml;nyv sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra, &eacute;s csak
+	  ezut&aacute;n ford&iacute;tsuk vissza az adott nyelvre.</para>
-	<para>Thanks.</para>
+	<para>K&ouml;sz&ouml;nj&uuml;k az
+	  egy&uuml;ttm&#251;k&ouml;d&eacute;st!</para>
-	<para>How should language specific characters be included?</para>
+	<para>Hogyan illeszthet&#245;ek be a
+	  dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;ba nemzeti karakterek?</para>
-	<para>Non-ASCII characters in the documentation should be included
-	  using SGML entities.</para>
+	<para>Az alap ASCII k&eacute;szletben meg nem jelen&#245;
+	  karaktereket hivatalosan SGML egyedek form&aacute;j&aacute;ban
+	  kell haszn&aacute;lnunk.</para>
-	<para>Briefly, these look like an ampersand (&amp;), the name of the
-	  entity, and a semi-colon (;).</para>
+	<para>R&ouml;viden: egy <quote>&eacute;s jellel</quote> (&amp;)
+	  kezd&#245;dnek, majd az azonos&iacute;t&oacute;jukat
+	  k&ouml;vet&#245;en egy pontosvessz&#245;vel (;)
+	  z&aacute;rulnak.</para>
-	<para>The entity names are defined in ISO8879, which is in the ports
-	  tree as <filename role="package">textproc/iso8879</filename>.</para>
+	<para>A nemzeti karakterek
+	&aacute;br&aacute;zol&aacute;s&aacute;ra
+	  haszn&aacute;lhat&oacute; egyedeket az ISO8879
+	  szabv&aacute;nyban defini&aacute;lt&aacute;k, amely a
+	  Portgy&#251;jtem&eacute;nyb&#245;l a <filename
+	    role="package">textproc/iso8879</filename> porton
+	  kereszt&uuml;l &eacute;rhet&#245; el.</para>
-	<para>A few examples include:</para>
+	<para>N&eacute;h&aacute;ny p&eacute;ldak&eacute;ppen ezek
+	  k&ouml;z&uuml;l:</para>
-          <segtitle>Entity</segtitle>
+	  <segtitle>Egyed</segtitle>
-          <segtitle>Appearance</segtitle>
+	  <segtitle>Megjelen&eacute;s</segtitle>
-          <segtitle>Description</segtitle>
+	  <segtitle>Le&iacute;r&aacute;s</segtitle>
-	    <seg>Small <quote>e</quote> with an acute accent</seg>
+	    <seg>&Eacute;kezetes <quote>e</quote>.</seg>
-	    <seg>Large <quote>E</quote> with an acute accent</seg>
+	    <seg>&Eacute;kezetes <quote>E</quote>.</seg>
-	    <seg>Small <quote>u</quote> with an umlaut</seg>
+	    <seg>Tr&eacute;m&aacute;s (umlautos, k&eacute;tpontos)
+	      <quote>u</quote>.</seg>
-	<para>After you have installed the iso8879 port, the files in
-	  <filename>/usr/local/share/sgml/iso8879</filename> contain the
-	  complete list.</para>
+	<para>Miut&aacute;n telep&iacute;tett&uuml;k az eml&iacute;tett
+	  portot, a <filename>/usr/local/share/sgml/iso8879</filename>
+	  k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rban tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;
+	  &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokban lesz a
+	  szabv&aacute;ny szerint elfogadott &ouml;sszes egyed.</para>
-	<para>Addressing the reader</para>
+	<para>Hogyan sz&oacute;l&iacute;tsuk meg az
+	  Olvas&oacute;t?</para>
-	<para>In the English documents, the reader is addressed as
-	  <quote>you</quote>, there is no formal/informal distinction as there
-	  is in some languages.</para>
+	<para>Az angol nyelv&#251; dokument&aacute;ci&oacute;ban az
+	  Olvas&oacute;t &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban a <quote>you</quote>
+	  sz&oacute;val szokt&aacute;k megsz&oacute;l&iacute;tani,
+	  azonban ezzel sok m&aacute;s nyelvt&#245;l
+	  elt&eacute;r&#245;en nem v&aacute;lasztj&aacute;k
+	  k&uuml;l&ouml;n az inform&aacute;lis &eacute;s form&aacute;lis
+	  st&iacute;lust.</para>
-	<para>If you are translating to a language which does distinguish, use
-	  whichever form is typically used in other technical documentation in
-	  your language. If in doubt, use a mildly polite form.</para>
+	<para>Ha olyan nyelvre ford&iacute;tunk, amelyben l&eacute;tezik
+	  ez a megk&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;ztet&eacute;s,
+	  pr&oacute;b&aacute;ljunk az adott nyelven &iacute;rott
+	  szaksz&ouml;vegek st&iacute;lus&aacute;hoz illeszkedni.  Ha
+	  nincs semmilyen &ouml;tlet&uuml;nk, akkor &iacute;rjunk
+	  visszafogott, illedelmes megfogalmaz&aacute;sban.</para>
-	<para>Do I need to include any additional information in my
-	  translations?</para>
+	<para>Kell m&aacute;s egy&eacute;b inform&aacute;ci&oacute;t
+	  elhelyezn&uuml;nk a ford&iacute;t&aacute;sokban?</para>
-	<para>Yes.</para>
+	<para>Igen!</para>
-	<para>The header of the English version of each document will look
-	  something like this:</para>
+	<para>Az angol nyelv&#251; dokumentumok fejl&eacute;ce
+	  &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban valahogy &iacute;gy szokott
+	  kin&eacute;zni:</para>
-     The FreeBSD Documentation Project
+     The &os; Documentation Project
-     &dollar;FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/translations/chapter.sgml,v 1.5 2000/07/07 18:38:38 dannyboy Exp &dollar;
+     &dollar;&os;: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/translations/chapter.sgml,v 1.5 2000/07/07 18:38:38 dannyboy Exp &dollar;
-	<para>The exact boilerplate may change, but it will always include a
-	  &dollar;FreeBSD&dollar; line and the phrase <literal>The FreeBSD Documentation
-	    Project</literal>.
-	  Note that the &dollar;FreeBSD part is expanded automatically by
-	  CVS, so it should be empty (just
-	  <literal>&dollar;FreeBSD&dollar;</literal>) for new files.</para>
+	<para>A pontos fel&eacute;p&iacute;t&eacute;s ett&#245;l
+	  n&eacute;mileg elt&eacute;rhet, de szinte biztos, hogy mindig
+	  tal&aacute;lunk benne egy &dollar;&os;&dollar; kezdet&#251;
+	  sort, illetve egy <literal>The &os; Documentation
+	  Project</literal> sz&ouml;veget.  A &dollar;&os;&dollar;
+	  r&eacute;szt a verzi&oacute;kezel&#245; rendszer fogja
+	  mag&aacute;t&oacute;l behelyettes&iacute;teni, ez&eacute;rt az
+	  &uacute;j &aacute;llom&aacute;nyok eset&eacute;ben ennek
+	  &uuml;resnek kell lennie (egyszer&#251;en csak
+	  <literal>&dollar;&os;&dollar;</literal>).</para>
+	<para>A ford&iacute;t&aacute;soknak tartalmazniuk kell egy
+	  saj&aacute;t &dollar;&os;&dollar; sort, illetve a <literal>&os;
+	  Documentation Project</literal> nevet cser&eacute;lj&uuml;k ki
+	  az adott nyelvhez tartoz&oacute; <literal>The &os;
+	  <replaceable>nyelv-angolul</replaceable> Documentation
+	  Project</literal> n&eacute;vre.</para>
-	<para>Your translated documents should include their own
-	  &dollar;FreeBSD&dollar; line, and change the
-	  <literal>FreeBSD Documentation Project</literal> line to
-	  <literal>The FreeBSD <replaceable>language</replaceable>
-	    Documentation Project</literal>.</para>
+	<para>Mindezek mellett &eacute;rdemes m&eacute;g egy harmadik
+	  sort is felvenni a dokumentumba, amellyel jelezz&uuml;k a
+	  forr&aacute;sk&oacute;dban, hogy a ford&iacute;t&aacute;s
+	  melyik angol nyelv&#251; sz&ouml;veg alapj&aacute;n
+	  k&eacute;sz&uuml;lt.</para>
-	<para>In addition, you should add a third line which indicates which
-	  revision of the English text this is based on.</para>
-	<para>So, the Spanish version of this file might start:</para>
+	<para>Ennek megfelel&#245;en teh&aacute;t a magyar
+	  ford&iacute;t&aacute;sokban &aacute;ltal&aacute;ban a
+	  k&ouml;vetkez&#245; sz&ouml;veg szerepel:</para>
-     The FreeBSD Spanish Documentation Project
+     The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
-     &dollar;FreeBSD: doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/translations/chapter.sgml,v 1.3 1999/06/24 19:12:32 jesusr Exp &dollar;
-     Original revision: 1.11
+     $FreeBSD$
+     Original revision: 1.31

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