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Date:      Thu, 8 Feb 2001 12:24:13 -0800 (PST)
From:      Rick Hamell <>
To:        "SILVER, MICHAEL A" <>
Cc:        "'freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG'" <freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   RE: Hello from russia!
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>

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> So what if I answer this question here?  Is that bad?  Does this rob us
> newbies of precious bandwidth that could have been used for non-technical
> discussions?
> I just don't get this list.  :-)

	No.... :) This list was created with the cavet that NO technical
questions be asked here. Because those who hang on -questions did not want
to be subscribed to yet another email list, AND it was felt that the
FreeBSD project needed only one point of contact for technical
questions. The secondary effect is that since this is a -newbie list and
newbie could potentially answer a question wrong. Without someone more
experienced around to watch for that... bad things could happen to your
system. The simple fact is that this list needs to be renamed to
newbie-chat or deleted. :)


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