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Date:      Thu, 11 May 2000 02:04:16 -0500
From:      Steven Ames <>
To:        Nick Slager <>
Cc:        Ryan Thompson <>, freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Sendmail relays for individual users
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Thu, May 11, 2000 at 03:14:34PM %2B1000
References:  <> <>

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SMTP Auth is a more elegant solution. Install cyrus-sasl from the
security ports and then upgrade to sendmail 8.10. I posted a message
to this list about 5 weeks back explaining the exact process.

A good number of mail clients support SMTP Authentication.

I've always found POP before SMTP a bit kludgy.


On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 03:14:34PM +1000, Nick Slager wrote:
> Thus spake Ryan Thompson (
> > I'm running sendmail 8.9.3 on 3.4-STABLE.  I have a couple of email users
> > on remote networks who do not have SMTP relay access through their various
> > ISPs.
> > 
> [...]
> > The hosts behind the users in question do NOT have SMTP relay access on
> > any network, nor do they have static IP addresses/hostnames, or even
> > reasonably small networks to allow relaying from.
> > 
> > I am searching for a more elegant and secure solution.  (Note, I am not
> > asking for SSL webmail solutions, here :-)  Can anyone offer a suggestion?  
> > My current setup means I'm pretty much committed to sendmail for now, so a
> > sendmail solution would be the ideal one.  If there is way to accomplish
> > this with another mailer, I might run another box with another MTA to
> > handle this small number of users... However, I'd much rather keep things
> > simple.
> > 
> Do you also run a POP3 server accessible to these users? If so, SMTP after POP
> auth may be what you're looking for. The remote users will have to check their
> mail on your POP server first, but after that sendmail can relay messages from
> their IP for x minutes.
> is a good place to start.
> Regards,
> Nick.
> -- 
>  From a Sun Microsystems bug report (#4102680):
>   "Workaround: don't pound on the mouse like a wild monkey."
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