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Date:      Tue, 26 Feb 2002 23:17:48 +0100
From:      Brad Knowles <>
To:        Terry Lambert <>, "Crist J. Clark" <cjc@FreeBSD.ORG>
Cc:        "Matthew D. Fuller" <>, "Jeremy C. Reed" <>, FreeBSD Chat <chat@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: blocked mail
Message-ID:  <p05101412b8a1b7f575cb@[]>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:   <> <> <> <> <> <>

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At 1:08 AM -0800 2002/02/26, Terry Lambert wrote:

>  I can't remember the "README" and M4 source code right now,
>  but there is an option to permit a MAIL FROM check to make
>  sure that the EHLO host (peername) is an MX for the from
>  domain.

	Looking at the macros for sendmail 8.12.2, the only ones I find are:

			# if we are the best MX host for a site, try it
			# directly instead of config err
			# do "we" ($=w) act as backup MX server for the
			# destination domain?

>  Basically, if it can be checked, you should assume that
>  someone is checking it.

	I don't see anything anywhere of the sort that you are talking 
about.  Certainly, you can write your own rules to do this sort of 
thing, as I have done in the past.  But I don't see anything here to 
make this automatic, or even make the life easier of the admin who is 
creating the config.

>  Weird-ass DNS setups that break the ability to check are
>  expected to break, even if they are called out as legal
>  in a proposed standard.

	In this modern world of spam, this statement is certainly true. 
Doing something like this would certainly slow down the accepting of 
mail from remote sites, but it would help you avoid effluent from a 
certain category of sources.

Brad Knowles, <>

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