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Date:      Sat, 29 Dec 2001 00:44:48 -0600
Subject:   LOSE WEGHT ACT NOW!!!
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<title>No Way?</title>

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                <td align="middle"><img
                width="349" height="82"></td>
                <td align="middle" valign="top"><h2><font
                face="Baskerville Old Face"><b>No Way? Yes Whey!</b></font></h2>
                <td align="middle" bgcolor="#0080C0"><font
                color="#FFFFFF" size="3" face="Comic Sans MS"><b>Introducing
                Our Whey of Life to A&nbsp;</b></font> <br>
                <font color="#FFFFFF" size="3"
                face="Comic Sans MS"><b>$50,000 - $100,000 A Year
                <td align="middle" bgcolor="#0080C0"><font
                color="#CC0000" size="2" face="verdana"><b>Maximize
                Your Lean To Fat Ratio With the Real Food Lean
                Maximizer Weight Loss System</b></font></td>
                <td bgcolor="#0080C0"><ul>
                    <li>Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half&nbsp; </li>
                    <li>Experience Weight Loss That Stays
                        Off.&nbsp; </li>
                    <li>Increase Fat Loss, Increase Lean Muscle,
                        Increase Metabolism, Increase Endurance
                        and Strength Gain (Documented Up To
                        430%).&nbsp; </li>
                    <li>Reduces Food Craving, Promotes Normal
                        Blood Sugar Levels and Helps Support
                        Immune System and Increases Cell
                        Hydration.&nbsp; </li>
                    <li>Our Products Are Safe, Effective and 100%
                        GUARANTEED!&nbsp; </li>
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                <td>Learn How our products are effective&nbsp;</td>
                    <li>Earn Up To 42% Fast Start
                        Commissions&nbsp; </li>
                    <li>Earn Residual Income From 5x5 Expandable
                        Matrix With 100% Matching Bonuses On Your
                        Personally Sponsored.&nbsp; </li>
                <td align="middle"><p align="center">If you'd
                like to learn more about our products Call
                1-800-891-4074&nbsp; <br>
                Are you interested in building extra residual
                income? Contact us NOW! </p>
                <p align="center">Email us your Name, Phone
                Number,&amp; Best Time to Call. Someone will call
                you in 24hrs. Thanks</p>
                <p align="center"><a
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        <td align="right">Please discontinue advertising to me..<a


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