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Date:      Thu, 11 May 2000 13:02:22 +0000
From:      blaine minazzi <>
Subject:   Help with ifconfig please.
Message-ID:  <>

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I have posted this to the freebsd-questions, and now this is the second
post to freebsd-isp with this question.

Surely someone knows tthe answer, and can help here.  I have rtfm'ed
until my eyes bleed, and searched the newsgroups, mailing lists, etc.

When I do as suggested, I get these problems.

Here is the previous post.
I am upgrading an older freebsd box to FreeBSD 4.0 stable.

we will call it, and we will set up the ed0 device,  
#ifconfig ed0 192.1668.1.1  netmask

default route is

When I do thusly, 

ifconfig ed0 alias netmask
ifconfig ed0 alias netmask
---- snip out the ssdd stuff ------
ifconfig ed0 alias netmask

I get the following, at every OTHER invocation of ifconfig.

May 9 14:38:14  foobar routed[79] possible netmask problem between
ed0:192.168.2.xx and ed0:  ( where xx = every other ip
number. )  this message is repeated 3 times.

and this message also;

May 9 14:38:14 foobar /kernel arp_rtrequest: bad gateway value
May 9 14:38:14 foobar last message repeated 17 times
May 9 14:39:38 foobar last message repeated 106 times

Now, ifconfig shows that the ip's are indead bound to the card, and, I
can ping SOME of them, but some give me this error.

/kernel: arplookup failed: could not allocate llinfo
/kernel: arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for

then some more of these...

/kernel: arp_rtrequest: bad gateway value
last message repeated 347 times

So... what am I doing wrong here?

Would someone please give me the correct magical spell to invoke?

I would appreciate knowing the proper way to bind many ip's ( a /24
actually ) to the card, so that when we place this in production, it
works correctly.

Many thanks in advance.


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