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Date:      Sun, 24 Feb 2002 12:45:43 -0500
From:      Chip Morton <>
To:        FreeBSD Chat <>
Subject:   Re: Drive/Partition Copying Utilities
Message-ID:  <>

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You used dd to copy which types of partitions?  Have you successfully 
copied any bootable partitions this way?

At 10:13 AM 2/24/2002, Eric Anderson wrote:
>I have even used dd to do this too.. Not as "fun" tho as ghost..
>Brad Knowles wrote:
> >
> >         The Linux and FreeBSD stuff should be easy -- simply use the
> > standard OS-provided utilities to do a "dump | restore", and you
> > should be done.  The FAT32 and NTFS stuff may require something a bit
> > more involved, perhaps including some third-party software, etc....
> >

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