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Date:      Wed, 24 Oct 2001 08:54:41 -0700
From:      Landon Stewart <>
To:        freebsd-net@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   ADSL with two interfaces in one machine using "dhclient"
Message-ID:  <>

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I can obtain two seperate IP addresses and everything routes OK for both 
interfaces.  Its just these ARP messages that are annoying me (filling up 
my logs with repeated messages).

I'm having a problem with ARP's from my gateway.  Both interfaces use the 
same gateway, but I get an error message in the log stating that:
(GW = Gateway, IP1 = IP of first interface etc...)

/kernel: arp: <GW IP ADDR> is on xl0 but got reply from <GW MAC ADDR> on ed0
last message repeated 35 times
last message repeated 136 times
last message repeated 149 times
last message repeated 112 times
/kernel: arp: <GW IP ADDR> is on ed0 but got reply from <GW MAC ADDR> on xl0
last message repeated 94 times
last message repeated 111 times
etc. etc...

Failing this how can I stop the kernel from even logging this?  (what to 
turn off?)

I also get errors saying that my interface MAC addresses have changed (this 
is due to one interface thinking that the other interfaces MAC address is 
the MAC of my DSL router, and then it finds the REAL MAC address for the 
other interface and so forth).

I have set a metric (scopeid) to one on my primary interface and to two on 
my secondary interface.  External connections.  A switch rather than a hub 
could fix this problem and I'll probably buy one anyway, but I'd like to 
know how to stop this.

Can I have two interfaces with the same gateway without getting MAC address 

Landon Stewart

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