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Date:      Fri, 12 May 2000 08:23:44 -0400 (EDT)
From:      Jim Weeks <>
To:        freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Cc:        freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: 3.0-R server /var running out of inodes (not a usenet question)
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A little delayed reaction but something I have been thinking about for a

The idea has been kicked around that 32mb for / and 20mb for /var is a
little outdated.  Not only in this thread but previously.  

I have had machines from 2.2.6-4.0-stable that plow happily along under
these constraint.  The only time I ever had a problem was with a 3.2
machine and a botched backup script that duplicated and reduplicated files
each day until the locate database bloated beyond the /var limit, but I
digress, or tell on myself ;-)

The point is that I do feel it is silly to keep them so small in the days
of multi gig drives, which brings me to ask.  In the days of 500mb to 1gig
of Ram is the idea of doubling that in swap space still a good practice?

I realize that opinions are like posteriors, but I would like to hear

Jim  Weeks
---------- A mind is a terrible thing to loose!  How I miss mine..

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