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Date:      Mon, 17 Apr 1995 12:07:34 +0200 (MET DST)
From: (Guido van Rooij)
To:        allynh@barkley.ME.Berkeley.EDU (Allyn Hardyck)
Subject:   Re: Typo in /etc/security?
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <9504141945.AA18992@barkley.ME.Berkeley.EDU> from "Allyn Hardyck" at Apr 14, 95 12:45:27 pm

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Allyn Hardyck wrote:
> So far I'm pretty psyched by the way FreeBSD 2.0 is set up and performs
> (although I'd still like some ideas on how to set up CAP with Native
> Ethertalk).  When I discovered that it's configured to print a list of
> setuid files every day and compare it to yesterday's list, I looked for
> ps, just as an example.  I was surprised not to find it.  After some
> experimentation I found that the command in /etc/security:
> find $mount -xdev -perm -u+s -or -perm -g+s
> seems only to return the files that have the gid bit set and not
> those that have the uid or both uid and gid bits set.

That is causded by a bug in find. This bug is fixed in current. 
For convenience, I added the patch below:


--- /usr/src/usr.bin/find/find.c.orig	Mon Feb 27 21:49:15 1995
+++ /usr/src/usr.bin/find/find.c	Mon Feb 27 21:42:48 1995
@@ -99,6 +99,13 @@
 		if (plan == NULL)
 			tail = plan = new;
 		else {
+			new = c_openparen();
+			new->next = plan;
+			plan = new;
+			new = c_closeparen();
+			tail->next = new;
+			tail = new;
+			new = c_print();
 			tail->next = new;
 			tail = new;

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